Valid or corrupted?

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by Marcbrz, Oct 27, 2008.

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  1. Marcbrz

    Marcbrz Registered Member

    Nov 1, 2006
    I had had problems with Acronis and I've decided to use another backup software. Even I was using TI since 2005 or earlier. My problems are the same as usual, validation, this backup is corrupted and all. And I learned a lot about it in this forum, in my case without solution. Everytime the same message > corrupted.
    But Acronis release 2009 home version and I've decided to try TI again.

    Despite my efforts such as defrag and clean register, temp files I got the same problem with new TI 2009 Home Build 9615.

    I made a backup with the validation option enable, and try do do that six times with the same error, just rename the backup and trying again. In the seven backup ...... I include the last attempt log.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <log build="9615" product="Acronis*True*Image*Home" task="043B64CF-E60D-4B1C-83B3-BDCC0F3D95B9" task_name="My Computer Backup1" uuid="42F76ED2-033E-4E53-9CF4-421289F0F2FF" version="12.0">
    <event code="2" id="1" level="2" message="Operation My Computer Backup1 started." module="100" time="1225125700" />
    <event code="503" id="2" level="2" message="Analyzing partition 0-0..." module="1" time="1225125702" />
    <event code="503" id="3" level="2" message="Analyzing partition C:..." module="1" time="1225125703" />
    <event code="503" id="4" level="2" message="Analyzing partition 0-0..." module="1" time="1225125703" />
    <event code="503" id="5" level="2" message="Analyzing partition D:..." module="1" time="1225125704" />
    <event code="503" id="6" level="2" message="Analyzing partition 0-0..." module="1" time="1225125704" />
    <event code="503" id="7" level="2" message="Analyzing partition E:..." module="1" time="1225125705" />
    <event code="1008" id="8" level="2" message="&lt;bold>Create Full Backup Archive&lt;/bold>&lt;endl/>&lt;tabpoint value=30>&lt;indent value=4>From: &lt;indent value=10>&lt;textcolor value=&quot;navyblue&quot;>Disk 1&lt;/textcolor>&lt;/indent>&lt;indent value=4>&lt;endl/>To file: &lt;indent value=10>&lt;textcolor value=&quot;navyblue&quot;>&quot:D:\MyBackup.tib&quot;&lt;/textcolor>&lt;/indent>&lt;indent value=4>&lt;endl/>Compression: &lt;indent value=10>&lt;textcolor value=&quot;navyblue&quot;>Normal&lt;/textcolor>&lt;/indent>&lt;indent value=4>&lt;endl/>&lt;/indent>&lt;endl/>" module="11" time="1225125705" />
    <event code="504" id="9" level="2" message="Pending operation 138 started: &quot;Creating partition image&quot;" module="1" time="1225125705" />
    <event code="506" id="10" level="2" message="Locking partition C:..." module="1" time="1225125705" />
    <event code="504" id="11" level="2" message="Pending operation 135 started: &quot;Saving partition structure&quot;" module="1" time="1225126302" />
    <event code="1026" id="12" level="2" message="&lt;bold>Validate Backup Archive&lt;/bold>&lt;endl/>&lt;tabpoint value=30>&lt;indent value=4>Location: &lt;indent value=10>&lt;textcolor value=&quot;navyblue&quot;>&quot:D:\MyBackup.tib&quot;&lt;/textcolor>&lt;/indent>&lt;indent value=4>&lt;endl/>&lt;/indent>&lt;endl/>" module="11" time="1225126302" />
    <event code="504" id="13" level="2" message="Pending operation 3 started: &quot;Validate Backup Archive&quot;" module="1" time="1225126302" />
    <event code="502" id="14" level="4" message="Operation with partition &quot;0-0&quot; was terminated.
    &lt;indent>The archive is corrupted (0x70020)
    Tag = 0xF5F8CBCF76155638&lt;/indent>" module="1" time="1225126313" />
    <event code="5" id="15" level="4" message="Operation has completed with errors." module="100" time="1225126313" />

    As we can see in the end, an error occurs in validation. In this time I try to validate this backup (that TI told me it's corrupted) again, just validate. And got this log.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <log build="9615" product="Acronis*True*Image*Home" task="E60B25F7-3D64-4971-8F32-F2B1DB9EDFC0" task_name="Backup Validation1" uuid="555B7E2F-2F3E-495F-B922-A36D7D05563B" version="12.0">
    <event code="2" id="1" level="2" message="Operation Backup Validation1 started." module="100" time="1225127447" />
    <event code="1026" id="2" level="2" message="&lt;bold>Validate Backup Archive&lt;/bold>&lt;endl/>&lt;tabpoint value=30>&lt;indent value=4>Location: &lt;indent value=10>&lt;textcolor value=&quot;navyblue&quot;>&quot:D:\MyBackup.tib&quot;&lt;/textcolor>&lt;/indent>&lt;indent value=4>&lt;endl/>&lt;/indent>&lt;endl/>" module="11" time="1225127447" />
    <event code="504" id="3" level="2" message="Pending operation 3 started: &quot;Validate Backup Archive&quot;" module="1" time="1225127447" />
    <event code="6" id="4" level="2" message="Operation has succeeded." module="100" time="1225127763" />

    And TI told me that this backup are valid........

    Anyway, I have others backup files (corrupted according TI log) and I've tried to validate all other backups. I have six and in four TI told me that's corrupted.

    Can I trust in this "validated" backup or no?

    Just in case I tried to "mount" all validate backups and just two works fine including the last one.

    So finally my question :D

    Despite the message from TI if I can validate a backup and mount it I can trust in it (mount image) such as a "real" validation? I can only mount a valid backup?

  2. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    You seem to have something on the edge of working/not working. This never inspires confidence.

    The real issue is how does the Linux recovery CD version work if you are going to restore a partition. It is the version, not the Windows version, that must run to restore an image of your active partition.

    Some images that fail validation can indeed be mounted and files extracted from them. I imagine that means it depends on where the problem lies within the archive as to whether or not a mount will work. So this does not mean a mountable image is necessarily a good one.

    As has been said many times before, the only real test of an image is to restore your system to a spare HD and this is a test for images that are valid! Your case is less secure because of images not always validating.

    Have you tried to track down the validation problem. Marginal hardware can cause problems and a couple of the first things to do to rule it out are to:

    Run chkdsk X: /r on all your partitions - both the source and where you are going to store the archive if a HD. Replace X in the command with the drive letter of the partition being tested. Reboot will be required for C.

    Run memtest86+ available free from www. (note the .org). Current version is 2.01. Let it run for several passes but overnight is best. There should be zero errors reported.

    If you are making a HD to an external HD or other device, try making it to an internal HD. If you don't have a second internal HD, make it to a different partition. If you only have one partition you can still make it to the same partition but TI will tell you that it can't restore from that location. That's OK since you only want to validate it with both Windows and the TI boot CD. Images made to internal HDs tend to have fewer issues than ones made to other devices.
  3. Marcbrz

    Marcbrz Registered Member

    Nov 1, 2006
    I'll do this right now

  4. mrQQ

    mrQQ Registered Member

    Feb 4, 2008
    This is friggin pathetic. A backup solution which you have to pray works. It's like a lottery. I've been backuping daily, and when time of need came, ALL my backups were CORRUPTED!

    What's the use of software that gives a false sense of security?

    I'm sorry, but this is not acceptable.
  5. shieber

    shieber Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2004
    You risk this with all backup/imaging programs which is why a test restore is needed to ensure that you can restore.
  6. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Yes indeed. By doing backups only you have only done half the job. And like shieber says, this is something that applies to all backup programs.
  7. Marcbrz

    Marcbrz Registered Member

    Nov 1, 2006
    No significant (means shortcut and temp files only, as usual) errors after use, regcleaner, regcure, windows advanced care. Same with mentest (all night) and chkdsk in all disks. By the way I used perfect disk in a full defrag mode.

    Here we go...... new backup and the log ..... here...

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <log build="9615" product="Acronis*True*Image*Home" task="67B15DAA-44C4-48DA-AD29-5B0131ECFA5E" task_name="My Computer Backup2" uuid="1AC53848-5F5D-4B6F-8862-22FFE50BC2D0" version="12.0">
    <event code="2" id="1" level="2" message="Operation My Computer Backup2 started." module="100" time="1225209724" />
    <event code="503" id="2" level="2" message="Analyzing partition 0-0..." module="1" time="1225209726" />
    <event code="503" id="3" level="2" message="Analyzing partition C:..." module="1" time="1225209727" />
    <event code="503" id="4" level="2" message="Analyzing partition 0-0..." module="1" time="1225209727" />
    <event code="503" id="5" level="2" message="Analyzing partition D:..." module="1" time="1225209728" />
    <event code="503" id="6" level="2" message="Analyzing partition 0-0..." module="1" time="1225209728" />
    <event code="503" id="7" level="2" message="Analyzing partition E:..." module="1" time="1225209728" />
    <event code="1008" id="8" level="2" message="&lt;bold>Create Incremental Backup Archive&lt;/bold>&lt;endl/>&lt;tabpoint value=30>&lt;indent value=4>From: &lt;indent value=10>&lt;textcolor value=&quot;navyblue&quot;>Disk 1&lt;/textcolor>&lt;/indent>&lt;indent value=4>&lt;endl/>To file: &lt;indent value=10>&lt;textcolor value=&quot;navyblue&quot;>&quot:D:\MyBackup(1).tib&quot;&lt;/textcolor>&lt;/indent>&lt;indent value=4>&lt;endl/>Compression: &lt;indent value=10>&lt;textcolor value=&quot;navyblue&quot;>Normal&lt;/textcolor>&lt;/indent>&lt;indent value=4>&lt;endl/>&lt;/indent>&lt;endl/>" module="11" time="1225209729" />
    <event code="504" id="9" level="2" message="Pending operation 138 started: &quot;Creating partition image&quot;" module="1" time="1225209729" />
    <event code="506" id="10" level="2" message="Locking partition C:..." module="1" time="1225209729" />
    <event code="504" id="11" level="2" message="Pending operation 135 started: &quot;Saving partition structure&quot;" module="1" time="1225210417" />
    <event code="1026" id="12" level="2" message="&lt;bold>Validate Backup Archive&lt;/bold>&lt;endl/>&lt;tabpoint value=30>&lt;indent value=4>Location: &lt;indent value=10>&lt;textcolor value=&quot;navyblue&quot;>&quot:D:\MyBackup(1).tib&quot;&lt;/textcolor>&lt;/indent>&lt;indent value=4>&lt;endl/>&lt;/indent>&lt;endl/>" module="11" time="1225210417" />
    <event code="504" id="13" level="2" message="Pending operation 3 started: &quot;Validate Backup Archive&quot;" module="1" time="1225210417" />
    <event code="502" id="14" level="4" message="Operation with partition &quot;0-0&quot; was terminated.
    &lt;indent>The archive is corrupted (0x70020)
    Tag = 0xF5F8CBCF76155638&lt;/indent>" module="1" time="1225210419" />
    <event code="5" id="15" level="4" message="Operation has completed with errors." module="100" time="1225210419" />

    I give up

    I'll try Genie Backup Manager Pro 8.0 because I really need a backup.

    Thanks a lot who help in this post.


    Marc Andersen
  8. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Even though you didn't uncover anything with your testing, you did a lot of cleanup. Your backup that was created in the above log is an incremental backup which means TI based it on the full backup you previously created. (I find this default incremental selection dumb.) When TI validates an archive whether it be an incremental or differential, it validates all of the archive which is the Full plus any incrementals or the Full and differentials. So your validate failure may be triggered by the old Full.

    I know you said you are going to try Backup Genie but you can try doing the backup with the TI boot CD which takes Windows out of the picture and deals with a static disk rather than using the live imaging method (which actually has very few problems but...).

    I don't know if you are storing the archive on an internal or an external. Try the internal if you haven't.
  9. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello all,

    Thank you for using Acronis True Image

    Every case of backup file corruption should be investigated separately.

    First of all, please make sure that the memory module of your machine is not corrupt as this can be the reason of the issue.

    Please download one of the archives depending on what media type you are going to use:

    USB Flash drive

    You can find more information on how to burn an ISO image to a CD at:

    here and here

    Unpack the archive and create bootable media with the test.

    After that boot your PC from the media and memtest will start automatically. When it is 100% completed, create a digital photo of the screen and contact us.

    You should submit a request to Acronis Customer Service Department here

    Thank you.


    Oleg Lee
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