used winbuilder with VistaPE but get black screen with arrow

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by amb7247, Sep 6, 2008.

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  1. amb7247

    amb7247 Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2007
    I get the black screen with an arrow after I choose vistaPE from the list. After I choose it it start to laod the vista files, then I get the vista is now starting splash screen then presented with the black screen with the white arrow.

    I did this twice checking and double checking all my selections. I tried to use my vista DVD (pre-SP1) and tried to download the Windows AIK and I get the same result. I even went from 1024x768 to 800x600 but that didn't fix it eiher. There has got to be something I missed but I'm not sure what it is since I followed the bulding the VistaPE guide and adding the acronis trueimage 11 script I got from mudcrab.
  2. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005
    I've recently upgraded the scripts so they work with VistaPE 011 and 012. With a pre-SP1 source, you need to stay with using version 011. With the new scripts it is no longer necessary to check the "Mount folder with programs as drive Y:" box. Please uncheck this box and try again.

    You may also have a driver issue. Try adding the driver for your hard drive controller using the AddDrivers script.
  3. K0LO

    K0LO Registered Member

    Mar 9, 2006
    State College, Pennsylvania
    A black desktop when booting into VistaPE is indicative of a permissions issue with the build. In order for WinBuilder to build VistaPE properly it needs to be in a location on your PC that does not have user permissions. Locating the folder in your "My Documents" area of the disk or on the desktop will not work properly.

    The folder needs to be located at the root of a drive. You should move your WinBuilder folder to C:\WinBuilder or D:\WinBuilder and try again. If you currently have the folder on your desktop then you'll get the result you describe - a VistaPE build that boots to a black screen.
  4. Faust

    Faust Registered Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    I can confirm what K0lo says as I made the same mistake only this week. Moving Winbuilder into C: Programs as K0lo suggests did the trick.
  5. amb7247

    amb7247 Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2007
    I see. I'll try that. I had it located in (user)\Winbuilder
  6. amb7247

    amb7247 Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2007
    Everything seems good now. Makes me wonder what other programs I can add to VistaPE. Acronis ran like a charm and alll partitions did show up. Did a backup through VistaPE.
  7. K0LO

    K0LO Registered Member

    Mar 9, 2006
    State College, Pennsylvania
    Good deal! If you built from a Vista DVD (not the Windows AIK) then you could consider adding some of the network apps. I like adding PENetCfg , File Sharing, and Remote Desktop for Windows networking support, Explorer Vista (+IE) and Explorer Tweaks to add Vista Explorer as the shell and the IE web browser, VistaPE Expansion Pack and Tango Icons for VistaPE for a nicer appearance. Just remember that network support will not work if you build VistaPE from the WAIK.

    Experiment and have fun!
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