I am thinking about buying a USB 3.0 PCIe-X1 Card so that I can have USB 3.0 ports on one of my PC's that currently only has USB 2.0 ports. From your experiences, what cards would you recommend? Thanks in Advance.
I have used an EVGA card for more than a year, no problem. This card does not have connection to the power supply, so the power that can be supplied to the USB 3.0 devices is limited by the power available to the PCIe port. The external disks that I connect to the USB 3.0 ports all have their own power supplies, so this is not important for me. The "speed" I get with this card is about 2.0-3.5 faster than USB 2.0, of course using USB 3.0 devices.
Bought this and received it yesterday, $10.38 with free shipping: http://www.ebay.com/itm/180860945871?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 Haven't tested it yet! It has its own power supply, and comes with two adapters, the standard one and the low profile one. Best regards, KOR! P.S. For this low price, it might be not be true card!
"Bus-powered mode and no external power required for most of peripherals." This is the same as the EVGA card I posted about, and is different from the cards that can be connected to the computer power supply (it is necessary to have an available power supply connector). The advantage of this method is that more power can be supplied to the USB 3.0 ports. This is a card with a power connector: http://www.amazon.com/Uspeed-Supers...QV6U/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1339000802&sr=8-7.
The link King of Rapture posted shows a molex connector for external power. In the description it says "4 pin power connector available for some high current consumption peripherals, like 3.5" HDD" I may be wrong but King of Rapture can confirm this.
You are correct and it has the 4 pin power connector. I tried to say that same in my earlier post #3, but didn't use the same words. Here is what I said earlier: Thanks for correcting, the above misunderstanding! Best regards, KOR!