Hi I did a scan on my computer and the following showed up Operating memory » dwm.exe(3076) - a variant of Win32/Spy.Zbot.ZR trojan - unable to clean can you please advise me on how to get rid of it ( for free would be great) and also since it was brought up on the scan does that mean the file has been quarantined ? meaning my computer is safe ? your immediate reply would be great
Wait until the next update, then re-scan your system. It is likely that it will include detection for this variant. Another option is to provide Customer care with a SysInspector log for perusal.
if i wait for the next update is and will be computer be safe and protected from this trojan or is it unsafe to do anything on the computer that requires passwords etc? I will post a log shortly for your perusal...thanks so much for the quick reply
sorry but can i please have an answer to my above question from a moderator urgently if i wait for the next update is and will be computer be safe and protected from this trojan or is it unsafe to do anything on the computer that requires passwords etc?
Hard to say. Some malware can collect sensitive information and some not. By the way, update 6949 was released about 2 hours ago. Another update with further Zbot detections will be released shortly in the afternoon.