Updates, not informed of failure...

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by manOFpeace, Nov 25, 2005.

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  1. manOFpeace

    manOFpeace Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2003
    Hello, Nod32 alerted me to-day of a problem. Incorrect username or password. But it took from 20 Nov. until to-day (25th) to inform me. It was not updating and being on automatic update I forget about it and let it do it's job. I think that is rather a long time and suggest it would be a good idea to inform me earlier. I don't know how it got changed, assuming it was. I was unable to check password, user-name correct. Done a scan and clean and all is well.
    Maybe this is the problem from the threat log;

    Time Module Object Name Threat Action User Information
    19/11/2005 20:16:50 IMON archive hxxp://static.zangocash.com/cab/Zango/ie/bridge-c18.cab Win32/Adware.WinAd application Connection terminated My name\Puter name
    19/11/2005 20:16:38 IMON archive hxxp://static.zangocash.com/cab/Zango/ie/bridge-c18.cab Win32/Adware.WinAd application Connection terminated My name\Puter name

    I just remembered about this when writing the post above. Can I delete this or how should I handle it?
    There was no indication of a problem until to-day when the bad user name and password alert appeared on screen.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2005
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