Update deletes my groups

Discussion in 'Ghost Security Suite (GSS)' started by Lei, Jan 8, 2006.

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  1. Lei

    Lei Guest

    When I update the software, it deletes my custom groups. Is this by design or a bug?

  2. tlu

    tlu Guest

    The same happened to me recently. Anyone else affected?
  3. berng

    berng Registered Member

    Sep 11, 2005
    NJ, USA
    I updated my RDSTANDARD file and then updated the program. The RD rule changes were lost.

    I don't remember if previous versions had this issue. I think its a bug since the update should merge into what you set up.

    But it really doesn't affect me since I created my own REGDEFEND rule file by copying the standard file and opening the copy in REGDEFEND. Then rule updates are applied to the copied file.

    I copied rdstandard.gsr to rdBGG.gsr -

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  4. gottadoit

    gottadoit Security Expert

    Jul 12, 2004
    This has been the behaviour since RD was released
    One reason that it doesn't always happen with every update is that not all updates contain an updated standard set of rules

    I do what berng does and have my own local RD rules in a separate profile so that when updates come along I don't lose my local changes. It does mean that when the standard rules are updated I need to migrate those changes into my local one and that is the relatively small (for me) cost of having my own profile
  5. paperinik3

    paperinik3 Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2003
    Pardon my dumbness Gottadoit but I have'nt quite understood how I should migrate the updates in my local rules. I have copied the standard file and opened it in a RDBBGG folder in RegDefend. Now I have the RDStandard with 90 rules and the RDBGG with 0 Rules (see Screenshot). When I get an update, what happens ? What should I do to migrate the new rules without losing my personal rules? Thanks for the help.

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  6. gottadoit

    gottadoit Security Expert

    Jul 12, 2004
    When you get an update that contains an updated rdstandard.gsr your existing one will simply be overwritten. So far not that many updates have contained updated rdstandard.gsr files so this doesn't happen that often. In your case if you were using your RDBGG profile then nothing would change for you because that would remain unchanged and you would have to notice that the RDStandard profile had changed (or read about it in the changelog) and decide to migrate the changes across

    The easy way to create a new profile is to set your current profile to <DISABLED> and copy the file rdstandard.gsr to rdcustom.gsr (in the installation directory). Then you restart the GUI for it to pick up the fact that a new gsr file is available.

    Seeing as you have already created an empty profile and the way to populate it with rules is the same as what you would do to bring across updates to the standard rules when you have your own custom profile, I have outlined the steps below

    What you need to do is to export each group from the RDStandard profile to a file and then switch profiles back to your new one (RDBGG) and import them again. When I do this I like to import the groups using the version number that they came from so I can easily keep track of what I have

    Try these steps and see how you go :
    • select the RDStandard profile for RegDefend on the Home tab
    • go to the RegDefend tab to start exporting the groups
    • click on "Auto Starts" in the left hand tree view
    • click on "Export Group" and save this file as 01-autostarts_1_110.ghst
    • then click on "Drivers / Services" in the left hand tree view
    • again click on "Export Group" and save this file as 02-drivers-services_1_110.ghst
    • now repeat for the other global registry rules groups
    • Next do the same for any application rules groups you have
      • I like to name these with a prefix of app to make it easier when importing
      • for example I have an Application Rules group called services.exe which is the 4th entry in my app rules treeview list and I would export that to the file "app-04-services"
    That is the "exporting" phase done, now you want to switch to your new profile and import from the files you just created
    • select the RDBGG profile for RegDefend on the Home tab
    • go to the RegDefend tab to start importing the groups
    • click on Global Registry Rules and then click on "Import Group" and select the first file you exported (which was 01-autostarts_1_110.ghst)
    • you will now see a group created called "01-autostarts_1_110" and it is in a disabled state
    • click on the new group "01-autostarts_1_110" in the treeview, then see near the top right hand side of the gui there is a tickbox for "Group Enabled" and it is currently not ticked
    • click in that tickbox so that the group is enabled and the red x will go away from the treeview
    • now click back on Global Registry Rules and click on "Import Group" to get the rest of the global rules you exported
    • once you have done that click on "Application Rules" and click on "Import Group" and bring in the groups that you exported (that you named with app-)
    • then enable those groups as well (in the same way as you did with the Global Registry Rules groups)
    It is a good idea to remember the order of the existing groups when you export them (or add a number into the name to make it simple) because the ordering of the groups does matter. You can change the group names after import so that they look a bit nicer if that matters to you

    It is a fair bit of messing around to achieve something that is fairly simple and I think that Jason was considering doing something to stop people losing their customisations without having to create an extra profile. The profile feature is really there for people that want to have more advanced configurations and swap and change between them quickly and easily.

    I hope that this is of some use in explaining what you can do with your own profile file and to give you an idea of the steps you might have to follow to bring across changes from the standard ruleset.
  7. paperinik3

    paperinik3 Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2003
    Hi gottadoit, thank you very much for your help. I have followed your - very clear - instructions and exported and then reimported the rules in my RDBGG profile:eek:pening the Regdefend tab I see them in good order (01, 02, 03...).But now RD tells me there is an update, I say yes, it downloads and then I am being asked to shut RD. I execute and immediately receive the message "Failed to set data for PS Tray Factory" , an application which is allowed to create and modify key and to set and delete value. I look at the logs and see "blocked set value by system" .Why ? And the update has not been installed:
    RD asks me just as before if I want to download the update... This happens as well using the RDBGG profile as the standard profile.

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  8. paperinik3

    paperinik3 Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2003
    Curiouser and curiouser.... Now RegDefend is making rules by itself ( yesterday it has made about 10 rules) giving allowances to these strange is- files: here is a screenshot. Should I uninstall RegDefend and reinstall it again ?

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