How do you usually untar ? Say you saved a tar.gz to Desktop and now want to untar it to another directory, what is your usual method and do you use the command line ? I know how with the command line but it's a bit cumbersome. ( I think most folks simply r/click extract and then proceed to move the extracted folder to where they want it).
Just wondering who bothers with the command line for this. Surely we are both striving to become avid cli users ? Eg. [ocky@localhost General Help]$ tar -C /home/ocky/Desktop -xvzf "/home/ocky/Documents/General Help/rkhunter.tar.gz" rkhunter/ rkhunter/rkhunter SL6 warnings rkhunter/README.txt rkhunter/Lucid rkhunter warnings rkhunter/rkhunter warnings recd.txt rkhunter/rkhunter script.mht rkhunter/ rkhunter/rkhunter.mht rkhunter/rkhunter [ocky@localhost General Help]$ (for extracting rkhunter.tar.gz to Desktop) I didn't know this until recently i.e. was always stumped when trying to do it via the command line and thus noob depression set in.
tar zxvf <archive> -C <dir> I find this much more intuitive than the GUI. For gz, use xzvf. For bz2, use -xjvf. -v is optional. Cheers, Mrk
Open archive with fileroller (rather than right click/extract) and the use extract option which brings a dialog, part of which allows you choose a destination folder. If I happen to be in the command line I will extract my tarball from there.
great stuff
Despite some linux nerds protestations there are particular functions that are more quickly carried out in gui rather than the command line. IMO extracting archives is one of them. Therefore I right click and "extract to"