Uninstall Software?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by whitedragon551, Nov 20, 2009.

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  1. whitedragon551

    whitedragon551 Registered Member

    Sep 30, 2008
    Yup the latest version I tried was Your Uninstaller 2008. Ill have to give the newer version a try before I report back.
  2. Adric

    Adric Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2006
    To use Total Uninstall correctly one should read and follow the configuration suggestions as described in the TU help file : :) Works for me

    Ignore Background Changes

    "When monitoring the installation of an application in the system take places changes that has nothing to do with the installation process. There is no way to stop all running processes to get a clean log of the installation. The solution is to ignore these changes that occurs often in the system.
    Because every computer has a unique combination of software is not possible to have a complete predefined configuration for Total Uninstall.
    Total Uninstall must be configured using these steps:
    1. Start the Install wizard and create the pre-install snapshot.
    2. Without closing Total Uninstall use the computer as usual for a about an hour but do not install any application.
    3. In the Install wizard enter a name for this dummy installation like "Total Uninstall - items to ignore "
    4. Finish the monitoring process
    5. The detected changes are those that should be ignored in the future.
    6. Using the right-click menu actions in the changes tree add the changes to the exclude/ignore lists."

  3. pegr

    pegr Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2008
    I agree that you should do that initially but I believe the situation is more complex than that.

    Installing programs sometimes triggers background activity by Windows or other programs running in real-time that is specific to that particular install, so not all background activity gets recorded by just letting the machine run idle for a while after installing Total Uninstall.

    In my own experience, installer setup programs that require a reboot and those that connect to the Internet during program installation can be prone to triggering background activity by the operating system and third-party security software, which is why it is still safer to check each install log for background activity before using it to uninstall a program.
  4. cheater87

    cheater87 Registered Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    Revo does not get along with Windows 7 or maybe its Windows 7 64 bit. I keep getting something popping up saying it was not installed correctly.
  5. whitedragon551

    whitedragon551 Registered Member

    Sep 30, 2008
    Its not x64 compatible at all.
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