unhackme and BSOD

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by TechDunce, Dec 6, 2005.

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  1. TechDunce

    TechDunce Guest

    Installed UnhHackme300b2.exe and when I tried to run it the PC restarted with a BSOD.happened twice more when i tried to run it so uninstalled Event viewer says it was event ID 1003 faultrep.dll.The BSOD began 'a problem detected on your system' or similar wording. It was too fast to see. Woukd that be sign of infection? All other scans clean several anti spy and AV all updated. XP Home SP2
  2. Notok

    Notok Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    Portland, OR (USA)
    Most likely a problem with the driver. Have you contacted Dmitry?

    For next time, so you can see the blue screen, go into the Control Panel > System, go to the "Advanced" tab and click the third "Settings" button under "Startup and Recovery". On that screen take the check out of "Automatically Restart" just below the middle of that dialog. The next time you get a blue screen, it will now actually show you the blue screen info without just rebooting. If you have a camera, you can take a picture of the information, otherwise write down the event type (usually a few words at the top separated_by_underscores, such as IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, also write down any numbers, filenames, or other info towards the bottom).
  3. TechDunce

    TechDunce Guest

    "Most likely a problem with the driver. Have you contacted Dmitry?"

    I have left a copy of this query on the unhackme forum but had no reply yet. Do you mean I am missing or have an out of date driver or the prog has?.

    Thanks for hint re BSOD but I do not intend to reinstall it until i can see what is wrong

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