Understanding options ?

Discussion in 'ESET NOD32 Antivirus' started by John2222, Jun 28, 2008.

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  1. John2222

    John2222 Registered Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    This is a question (and suggestion): How do I understand the options in 3.0.667 (Vista)?

    What is confusing is how many areas have the same settings. For example:

    1) In the advanced setup, the first item is Antivirus and AntiSpyware. To the right of that is "ThreatSense Engine parameter setup". Once I setup Threatsense there, do those options apply to everything? I'm not sure, because when you go down the list, to email or web for example, I see the option again? Are those over-riding the defaults I put at the top? If so, I suggest a checkmark called "override default settings".

    2) Try to find the profiles and how to modify them for a scheduled weekly scan. Once I modify a profile (or create a new one), does it apply for ALL uses of that profile? If so, then when I create a weekly scheduled scan, am I overriding the profile?

    I think you can see the (what I would call) a DESIGN confusion. I'm never sure what applies and what is over-ridden. Same with targets.

    Maybe someone can suggest a re-work that will make it clear the hierarchical structure of the settings and how they apply.

    I've used NOD32 for over a year, and lately I have been trying to change some of the heuristics and other settings to avoid the cpu issues, but I'm never sure if I have to go through everything or not. I don't think a casual user (which I'm not) would ever figure it out.

    Maybe this thread belongs in the suggested new features, but I also want to understand if anyone can help, how the options and settings work now?
  2. DooGie

    DooGie Registered Member

    Jul 1, 2006
    I know what you mean but I feel sure a casual user would just install with the default settings and stick with that.
    The default settings are quite secure, I'm certain that it's the more advanced user who has to start playing around and then begin to doubt what they have done. I know I have :D
    You mention CPU issues but I for one have never had a CPU issue with NOD32.

    I really think that you have got to play around with it and then save the configuration which most suits your own needs.
  3. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    No, those options only apply to what is mentioned just above the "ThreatSense Engine parameter setup" selection....Automatic startup file check


    Treat the various protections as separate entities when it comes to the option selections.

    I would also recommend a walk thru the Help section of the program, which IMHO is very well laid out and informative.
  4. John2222

    John2222 Registered Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    I kind of concluded they were separate. What is confusing is that everything listed under "Antivirus and Antispyware" is INDENTED a couple spaces, which led me to (incorrectly) assume they were sub-sets of the "Antivirus and Antispyware" global settings.

    After all, Real-time file protection, email protection, etc. are sub-sets of the global topic of antivirus and antispyware.

    By the stated logic above, I could disable all the threatsense options in "antivirus and antispyware" and yet still have "real time protection..." enabled with threatsense? How does that make sense?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 29, 2008
  5. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    As long as it is understood that there are 4 independent protections....Antivirus and AntiSpyware, Real-time, E-mail, Web access and that each of those have separate "ThreatSense Engine parameter setup" options, that is one less hurdle.

    The making sense would be more confined to suggesting that the layout is somewhat confusing. I would agree that for some it might be confusing and can only suggest that they offer that as a suggestion Future Changes to EAV 3.0 thread.
  6. John2222

    John2222 Registered Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    OK. Just to clarify then, with NOD32 what would it mean if I have "Antivirus and AntiSypware" protection DISabled, but have "real-time" protection ENabled?

    Would it mean I don't have any protection for viruses and spyware, but I would have protection for real time something? I can't visualize what protection I would get if antivirus and antispyware are disabled?

    I don't think it is just a semantics problem. I'm trying to understand how they fit or don't fit together.
  7. wrathchild

    wrathchild Registered Member

    Feb 7, 2008
    If you disable "Antivirus and AntiSpyware" at the top of the tree then you're disabled all protection...you can't have Real-time protection enabled in that case.
  8. John2222

    John2222 Registered Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    That's what I thought, but (maybe I don't understand) but Bubba said previously that they were 4 INDEPENDENT functions.

    It is confusing.
  9. wrathchild

    wrathchild Registered Member

    Feb 7, 2008
    4 independent ThreatSense engine parameter setup:
    - for Automatic startup file check
    - for Real-time protection
    - for Email protection
    - for Web access protection
  10. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    Correct, there are "4 INDEPENDENT functions". What you have not quite grasped, noticed or fully read is the first post I made. Antivirus and AntiSpyware protection has "ThreatSense Engine parameter setup" options that are used during Automatic startup file check, as noted in the pic I attached. The other 3 protections, Real-time, E-mail, Web access, should be self explanatory.

    I also concur with what wrathchild said....

    I will also suggest once again that a users confusion would be minimized drastically if they took the time to take a walk thru the programs Help section. In that Help section there would be no confusion with a question of....
    because the answer to that question is there.

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