Well, usually uMatrix and uB0 betas don't cause trouble. And besides - if nobody tests them, how can gorhill learn of possible errors/regressions?
Agreed 100%. The latest beta is not giving me any issues. Btw, I've gone back to using uMatrix over uBlockO. For whatever reason, I just find it easier to "unbreak" web sites. @gorhill is the best
Hi @summerheat and @paulderdash, and thanks for sharing your concerns. As indicated by @gorhill, uMatrix considers "noop" to be an alias for "allow". This is why I decided to merge both guides into one. The results are identical, and I personally think it makes the FAQ page look a tad less intimidating.
Thanks for answering our question! Yes, since uMatrix understands "noop" (I hadn't known that before) it makes sense. However, I noticed that in your old rules only scripts were allowed - now everything is allowed. Why is that so?
uM dont know noop - you can not set noop in the matrix, noop is used as allow when inserted manually.
i am not sure who asked and why. but IMO uM never could use noop while beeing - was an fool who put that statement. reason is/was that noop is only usable when a 3-state option with adblocker is usable but uM never had such lists. raymond gave the final answer to this. glad that he made uM compatible that way to uB rule settings for those dues who think they can easily transfer the rules list.
The discussion started because of Decentraleyes settings within uM: https://www.wilderssecurity.com/threads/umatrix-the-http-switchboard-successor.369601/page-27#post-2732705 and @gorhill kindly confirmed. And @summerheat still has a question for @Synzvato, why the settings for Decentraleyes have changed from script allow to * allow.
as stated before uM never could use noop, IMO raymond also never mentioned in the wiki https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki you should read it in the near future for your understanding! i also never got the point to compare noscript with umatrix, or ublock. ublock is superior to both and umatrix is the specialist. concerning your list "* bla * allow" - you should use "* bla script allow" which is more safe because restricted. you should add the "* bla css allow" because in most cases a script is creating a dialog, poup whatever and is loading a stylesheet form same cdn. (use the network logger - or ublock to verify)
I'm tempted to write a lengthy post about the beauty of ignore lists but I'm pretty sure that I'm not allowed to do this ...
http://www.spiegel.de/ Has a nasty 'please deactivate your adblocker' popup. How can I get rid of it ?
for ublock (only) insert in "my filters" spiegel-de.spiegel.de as it is a german website you should read here (frequently, more than here) https://www.camp-firefox.de/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1076049#p1076049
I don't think that you can circumvent this problem with uMatrix alone. uBlock Origin has a lot of anti-adblocker rules in "uBlock filters" - and spiegel.de loads for me without any problems.
Thanks Brummelchen. Alles klar. This also works, but the popup appears for a millisecond. spiegel.de##script:inject(overlay-buster.js)
forget this injection, spiegel dont need scripts at all. ublock setup like this - ressources from 3rd party: noop - inline scripts: noop - scripts: noop leave the matrix untouched except: - cdn2.spiegel.de: allow "my filters" thats all. to get rid of the overflow when scrolling to the bottom line https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/32350-spiegel-online-adblock-wall-entfernen/code (greasemonky or similar, read camp-firefox)
uMatrix v1.3.4 Released (March 18, 2018) Download - v1.3.4 - Firefox (AMO) Download - v1.3.2 - Chrome (Web Store)
uMatrix v1.3.6 Released (April 7, 2018) Download - v1.3.6 - Firefox (AMO) Download - v1.3.6 - Chrome (Web Store)
uMatrix v1.3.8 Released (April 25, 2018) Download - v1.3.8 - Firefox (AMO) Download - v1.3.8 - Chrome (Web Store)
Thanks. For both uMatrix and uBO I'm using the dev builds from the respective github site (uMatrix.webext.signed.xpi and ublock0.webext.signed.xpi). This works flawlessly but has one disadvantage: I don't get the latest stable versions. Granted - the next dev build is usually not far away (thanks to @gorhill 's development speed). Nevertheless, stable versions sometimes have fixes not yet available in the latest dev build and it would be nice to have them, of course. Hence my question to @gorhill : Wouldn't it make sense to also offer a signed.xpi for stable versions? Wouldn't this make sure that one gets always the latest build - regardless if it's a stable or dev build? But perhaps I'm missing something
stable = final. it has reason why mozilla separated dev and final versions. any how both were signed!? (final at least is signed)
Not possible, AMO does not allow a signed extension to be hosted on AMO and externally both at the same time. It has to be one or the other. You should consider the last dev build before a release to be the same as the release.