Twitter admits it used two-factor phone numbers and emails for serving targeted ads October 8, 2019 Twitter: Personal information and ads on Twitter
Precisely why - A/ I don't use these creeps anyways and B/ if I did, I wouldn't use phone numbers for 2FA
You could smell the stench - from this company and others - that they were desperate to have your phone#, for 2FA, honest. Despite the fact that it's one of the worse options for 2FA. Just say no.
Shouldn't this be federally investigated? This is Facebook-sleazy. Twitter et al aren't sacred except in their over-stuffed minds. I use my phone for 2FA for my utility co., dummy email for others. Sad to see trust in security measures like this eroding because of these bad, bad apples. Throw the book at them, please.
Never Trust a Platform to Put Privacy Ahead of Profit October 9, 2019
Disagree with that. I'm actually better off by NOT handing over my phone number to the likes of these thieves. Surely the admission of doing what they did says it all! and lets not confuse words or water things down by saying mistakes and bugs happen and stop there. Should have also said, this was no mistake and was done on purpose. All of these companies (FB twitter etc) should be sued out of existence.
Incidentally, I've no doubt this also applies to these companies remarkable keenness to have you hand over your phone number for account recovery purposes too. Only for that purpose. Honest.
Twitter under FTC investigation for alleged misuse of user data August 3, 2020