Go read this New York Times exposé on smartphone location tracking because it’s worse than you think by Bijan Stephen.
"Smartphone tracking: It took minutes to find phone believed to belong to agent traveling with President Trump Today's piece from Stuart Thompson and me is about the national security risks in smartphone tracking. No one is exempt. Not even President Trump. It took minutes to find a phone that we believe belonged to a Secret Service agent traveling with Trump. And it's not just The President. It was alarming how easy it was to find senior officials and security staff as they moved around the White House, Capitol Hill, the Supreme Court and other goverment facilities. In many cases, the data trails led back to the smartphone users’ homes. When we reached out to some lawmakers to show what we found, the outrage was bipartisan... Perhaps the most alarming bit in reporting this piece was how resigned even our national security professionals are to this stuff..." https://www.nytimes.com/interactive...l?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage
Packing those devices around, no matter how secure the claim, its assured some actor 0r surveillance apparatus has it well targeted. Such is the willy nilly world of today's current protocol in use with them. No way around that
"Smartphones Are Spies. Here’s Whom They Report To..." The third in the NYT series -- No paywall and can be read in private browsing ATM. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive...l?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage