Tutorials to tweak PrivateFirewall?

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by php111, Feb 20, 2012.

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  1. php111

    php111 Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2007

    I know PrivateFirewall is free, so I would like it for both AV and firewall.

    I know every firewall by a user configures it, and posts how they did it, so uTorrent, or any apps like that will allow traffic. Are there any such tutorials for PF. Anything? I know sometimes that if the firewall doesn't configure properly then we won't be able to download via torrents. If someone posts one for PF, it doesn't have to have screenshots. It could be text as in writing. I know some firewalls aren't friendly, but if they are configured properly then we are doing business. Lol.

    Would PF be a great choice for both AV, and firewall? I'm looking at trying it.

    Thank you!
  2. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    PFW is strictly a Firewall + HIPS. PFW is NOT an AV.

    PFW is an excellent firewall. It will basically "configure itself" if you put it into "training mode". Training mode is relatively *safe* to use IF & ONLY IF you take the following STEPS...

    Step 1) When you are reasonably certain that your computer is clean & free from infections, make an Image of your system drive.

    a) You should make a new Image every few days, IF you are fairly certain that your computer is still clean.

    b) You should retain at least the last several weeks of clean Images before replacing them, one by one, FIFO.

    >>If you do not have an Imaging program, you should get one soonest. It is an essential component of computer security.

    Step 2) AFTER you have made a clean Image, install PFW & put it into training mode. Having done this, you should then execute, one by one, each of the processes/programs that are:

    (a) Already on your computer


    (b) which you are fairly certain are "clean & safe".

    Step 3) While PFW is in training mode you should NOT download or install or execute any new or unproven processes/programs/updates until after you have completed step (2) above and have removed PFW from training mode.

    >>> IMO a thorough & effective training of PFW should take at least 2-4 hours.
  3. php111

    php111 Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2007
    Thank you. I'm not understanding about taking an Image. I don't understand what you. I wish I could understand. Do I really need to make an image? I don't know how long should I keep the images for, and when I stop taking them? What's a good free imaging tool? I'm sorry that I don't know how to do this properly.

    What's a good free AV that will work with PrivateFW?
  4. Blues7

    Blues7 Registered Member

    May 11, 2009
    You might be able to quickly read about and find some options for free security and imaging programs by looking at this link:


    Then you can come back here to Wilders to learn more about the programs and how to properly use them.

    Good luck.
  5. Blues7

    Blues7 Registered Member

    May 11, 2009
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