Truth about "advanced heuristics" and "runtime packers"?!

Discussion in 'ESET Smart Security' started by silx, Jun 1, 2008.

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  1. silx

    silx Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2008

    Initially, sorry about my english.

    A lot of people say: "Don't check "advanced heuristics" and "runtime packers" - your system will decrease performance".

    Others posts say: "Advanced heuristics is the most important feature of nod v3, don't uncheck it"

    But, nobody knows a parameter for this?! Which computers will really decrease performance?!

    Example: I put v3 on my computer these days...I have a dual core 2.0 with 1 gb ddr 800. I don't saw any decrease with this options marked, but, in the future, can I have a slow system because this options?!

    And more questions:

    • Decrease performance = another weighty AV?! Or like of kapersky? (not weight but not light like nod)
    • v3 with "HA" and "runtime packers" unchecked still is better than v2.7 or the same thing?!
    • My mother's computer is a p3 550 with 256mb and nod v.2.7 - It's a old computer, but, works fine for her - Should I change to V3?! I think that I should, but I get frightened of being very slow.

    Sorry about many questions.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  2. Teraclips

    Teraclips Registered Member

    May 18, 2008
    Hi, I dont know if this may help you but Im using ESET Smart Security build 3.0.650.0, well the thing is that ESET recently realeased a new build 675. I think and a lot of things happened like for instance and the most important the performance of their pcs went slow so Im trying to say "If aint broke why to fix it" hahaha well Im a change to next build when its more stable or when my license expire. This is just the answer for your mother's pc mate.
  3. shansmi

    shansmi Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2008
    I run mine with everthing possible as far as what to scan, when to scan and how to much as it will do - it is being done. The only thing it is not doing is "log all files" as that just builds up a heck of a log file....Since changing over to ESS, I have even converted to a weekly scan instead of daily problems at all....I can see no performance decrease on my machine at all EXCEPT the weekly scans take a bit longer since I have things set this way...on acerage they take 45 minutes for 700K files.....

    maybe one can see more of a performance decrease on a lower end machine not real sure?... my second machine is spec'd about 25% of the one listed below and I don't see anything there either.....
  4. silx

    silx Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2008

    Thanks for responses.

    I had install a trial v3 today on my mother's pc ....

    after some hours....she didn't like much...:D

    With and without these two options (HA and runtime packers), computer stayed very, very slow...maybe freezing some times...

    I was confuse and thinking... "I had install nod or norton?" :rolleyes:

    no way... I put v2.7 again...

    Best regards from Brazil!
  5. rwt325

    rwt325 Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Strasburg VA
    Like shansmi I also run everything possible. Scan only weekly now, manually. Since I used only ESS on this computer since I installed some Beta version in June 2007 I don't have a numbers based comparison on speed, but don't consider my machine slow at all. There was certainly no speed difference between the time I run with Symantec un-installed and found ESS - probably two or thee days.
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