True Image 2009

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by Keith Weisshar, Oct 8, 2008.

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  1. Keith Weisshar

    Keith Weisshar Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2004
    Hazlet, NJ
    My USB memory card reader isn't working after installing True Image 2009 Home. How can I fix this issue?
  2. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005
    This is bad. The first beta version did this. The second beta version fixed the problem. Now the problem is back with the release version. I have the same problem with my USB zip drive. I haven't figured out how to fix it yet.
  3. Dort

    Dort Registered Member

    Feb 3, 2006
    Isn't it amazing the number of ways Acronis can find to screw up a computer. My USB card reader was not recognized after I Installed True Image 2009. I solved the problem by restoring an image I had created with TI 9.0 and now all is well. The Bart's PE plugin could not find my USB or SATA hard drives to restore an image. It was able to locate them if I attempted to backup a drive. Something realy needs fixing in TI 2009.

  4. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005
    Okay. I think I know where the problem is. If I'm right, it's with the Try & Decide system driver (tdrpm140.sys). This driver emums the drives on boot. You can see it in HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Sevices\tdrpman140\Enum. I'm having the same problem while trying to make the Windows version of TI Home 2009 work in BartPE. Only in BartPE, that driver is making all hard drives disappear as well. I had it working in beta 2. That used version 102 of the Try & Decide driver. It may even have to do with how the snapman and T & D drivers interact with each other. They both are enuming the drives on boot.

    Unfortunately, I have no fix. Acronis will need to update the T & D driver much like they update the snapman driver from time to time. If the T & D driver is removed, True Image will not run.
  5. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005
    Well, I've proved it. I removed the T & D service from the registry and removed the T & D Upper Filter from two loactions in the registry and rebooted. My USB Zip drive was back. Much to my surprise, this version of True Image Home 2009 will run without the T & D service. This fixes it for me, as I don't want to use T & D anyway.

    I'm not sure if this will have any negative side effects, so I won't post how to do it.
  6. Keith Weisshar

    Keith Weisshar Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2004
    Hazlet, NJ
    What do I need to do if I need to use the USB memory card reader that is broken after installing True Image 2009?
  7. jmk94903

    jmk94903 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    San Rafael, CA
    Wouldn't it be nice if Acronis made an image backup program that made backup images and a scheduler that worked. One that wasn't a beta release and didn't have features like File and Folder mess up, and nonworking Backup Locations, or Try and Decide I should have bought Shadow Protect?

    So, TI 2009 is one more case of Acronis screwing with their users and offering a nonfunctional beta for sale. I'm very sick of this. I stopped recommending TI to most clients with TI 11. Now, I won't ever recommend it or even mention it. I can't afford to have clients with broken machines because they installed this product.

    Enough is enough.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
  8. bobmitch

    bobmitch Registered Member

    Dec 4, 2006
    Pretty much with you on that John. I have had numerous friends and cohorts that I recommended this program to. Perhaps Karma is coming back and biting were all snake bitten...

    Just got done chatting with Customer Service...requested a refund. Now I have to wait to hear from a "Sales Specialist"...who knows how long my refund will take. Very dissatisfied with Ti2009 and Acronis. Now I am going to research another avenue...
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
  9. MKairys

    MKairys Registered Member

    Oct 13, 2005
    Ann Arbor, Michigan
    Is this what you did?
  10. jehosophat

    jehosophat Registered Member

    Sep 29, 2008
    What is the build number for True Image 2009 that is being talked about here?

    Is TI 2009 the replacement for Acronis Ture Image Home 11 Build 8053 ?
  11. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    TI2009 is a "new version" that is the latest in the TI line of versions. It is not a later build of TI11 which is something like 8101; you're one version behind with your TI11.

    If you want TI2009, you have to pay the upgrade price.
  12. shieber

    shieber Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2004
    We can only hope. ATI11 was never fixed. One update was issued a few months after 1st release that tuched a couple of probs but left most of the arteries unclamped and spurting.

    ATI12 aka ATI2009 is a new "Version" that appears to be mostly ATI11, with a number fo fixes in it, a more Vista/Office 2007 interface, some added features like the encryption advertised in ATI11 (but wasn't actually in ATI11), and some stuff is gone (autonaming with unique names so a task for a full backup can be run multiple times without overwriting prior Fulls). Also, deleting/renaming backup files is supposed to only be done with ATI now, quite unlike prior versions.

    If you paid for ATI11 and were waiting for fixes, I think you can now officially release your breath, your prayers are unanswered and will remain so. However, you have the option of paying again (this time for version 12/2009) and see if that fits your needs better. Some will proably like the new features and the fixes; some, like me will too sorely miss what's nots there and continue using version 10.

    There are some probs also with creating, running, editing tasks in ATI12/2009. One or two folks have noted this and I experienced it today when I reinstalled 12 fto run a few more tests. I created a task for test purposes that took too long to run. So I made another task just like it but with a diff name and capturing fewer files. It wouldn't run, I couldn't make edits that stick. I tried this several times and always with the same result.

    I restored with ATI 10 back to pre-12 image again. Another hour Acronis got from me that I'll never get back ;)

  13. loyukfai

    loyukfai Registered Member

    May 10, 2008
    Just wonder, is it really encrypted...? Not only half-hearted password protect...?

    Some of the new features seem interesting and maybe useful to me... But I'm not so sure of upgrading yet... Since Acronis is releasing a new version every year (?) with a few new features... If the new features don't worth 30 bucks in your opinion, then better stick with your current working version... Not to mention that the new version may as well introduce some new bugs...

    If one has encountered a bug which is only fixed in the "new" version, I think he/she can ask for a free upgrade.

    Besides, Acronis' support is mediocre at best if you ask me... ATI is indeed good when it works... But when it doesn't and the problem is not a trivial one, it's difficult to find an answer let alone a solution... Maybe the customers of the enterprise products are better served but I don't know then...

    Cheers, and have a nice weekend.
  14. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Given the large amount of money they pay for the product, plus the maintenance fees, I would certainly hope so. I'm not so sure it is excellent though.
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