Trouble playing Gunbound

Discussion in 'LnS English Forum' started by eclipzx317, Oct 23, 2005.

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  1. eclipzx317

    eclipzx317 Registered Member

    Oct 23, 2005
    I'm not sure if im the first to experience this but I tried searching on the Wilders Forums but I had no luck. When I play Gunbound while running look 'n' stop firewall it repeatedly asks me if I should allow a certain program to access the internet. A link to the picture is on the bottom. Even if I authorized it to connect it'll just come up again once I try joining a channel on Gunbound. I kept authorizing it and I gave up finally when I reached 7-9 times and this can be seen in the look 'n' stop application filtering tab. A picture on that is on the bottom too. I hope this can be fixed because I'd really love to play Gunbound again.

    Gunbound Site -
  2. Frederic

    Frederic LnS Developer

    Jan 9, 2003
    After some investigation (and direct contact with eclipzx317) it appears the problem is because Gunbound is using unusual extensions (.DES, .GME) for executables. This impacts only the detection of programs starting other programs which connects.

    However, Look 'n' Stop should indicates and alert for "Unknown" only once. At least this will be fixed (it is a case sensitive issue, Look 'n' Stop is storing "UNKNOWN" but the alert is "Unknown").

  3. blan

    blan Guest

    I have the same problem, I have to constantly disable Loon N Stop whenever I play gunbound, a lot of times I forget to enable it leaving me unprotected. Is there anyway to fix this?
    Anyway to tell LnS to exclude certain files?
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