Hi SteveB You can use the TrojanSimulator from http://www.misec.net/trojansimulator/ This is a third-party developed simulator and TDS has multiple means of detecting it
In the free tools at the DCs site the mIrclean has a testfile included too. The GRC leaktest is detected as a demo file.
http://www.diamondcs.com.au/index.php?page=irclean There is IRClean too on the same page. You can use it as a very fast little scanner too for IRC and other worms on your system! Certainly a little must have besides WormGuard, both IRClean and MIRClean are free! The included test file is completely harmless, so no problem using it.
Sounds good that it was detected! Nice little high speed scanner eh? There are several nasties detected with that name, among others W32.HLLW.Onewol, which all have different file names dropped on the system and different payloads, but can be rather destructive. http://www.google.nl/search?sourceid=navclient&hl=nl&q=%22IRC%2EFamily%2EGen%22+worm The Mirclean will scan all files and downloads via that way and adds to that part in security. Hope your kids saw it and are now convinced of some basic security
Just remember: with a trojan simulator you only test the database of the AT, not the capabilities of a trojan scanner to detect trojans in the wild, because a simulator is NOT a trojan and always harmless. Dolf