TrendMicro's firewall

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by bellgamin, Aug 17, 2002.

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  1. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    Does anyone have any info on the nature & effectiveness of TrendMicro's firewall, that comes bundled with PC-Cillin?

  2. dom424

    dom424 Guest

    No outbound protection except for a few ports that popular trojans use. I played with it a little bit and at grc it was all stealth except port 113 and the same at Sygates site.
  3. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    Thanks dom.

    So let me modify my Request for Info............

    Does anyone know of a *reasonably good* antivirus/firewall package ?

    I am hopeful of getting decent protection without having to mess with [or pay for] two stand-alone products.

    All I need is fairly good protection. If my computer were to get totally zonked by someone, it would be VERY inconvenient, but it would not be the end of civilization as we know it. tra-la-la :D
  4. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    I believe the closest you will come to a combo AV and firewall that is worth something is Ontrack System Suite 4.0, to be found here,
    I may be wrong, but I believe the AV and firewall in System Suite is the Trend AV/Firewall package, slightly abreviated.
    The thing about System Suite is that for $54 you get the finest utility available. It has an excellent registry cleaner, defrag, file checker, etc. It is absolutely my favorite utility and I would never be without it. I use the AV as my backup scanner.
    For my .02, thats the closest you will get for a decent AV/firewall combo.
    When you're ready, get the free version of Outpost and give it a try. :D
  5. dom424

    dom424 Guest

    I aggree with root. It is my favorite utility. The firewall I believe is Sygate, however I don't have it installed. I used it for awhile trying it out and it worked fine. Came up stealth everywhere I tried it. Don't know what it will do at pcflank with their stealth test because it came out after I uninstalled the firewall. I liked the anti virus so well I changed from Norton to PC cillin and never looked back.
  6. octogen

    octogen Registered Member

    Feb 11, 2002
    That's correct, it is based on Sygate's firewall. It is simplified in that you can only control applications that try to connect, therefore, you cannot apply advanced rules like you can in the SPF free or Pro
  7. octogen

    octogen Registered Member

    Feb 11, 2002
    I also agree with root about OnTrack's System Suite 4.0. I am partial to programs that are the best in specializing in a particular task rather than multi-purpose programs. System Suite is my only exception. It is one of the few muti-purpose applications that I trust.
  8. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    Thanks root & all. Sounds like OnTrack's sweet suite is my best bet.

    Yet I still draggeth my feeteth because ~~ I was hoping that maybe someone has done a trial run on eTrust's EZ Armor -- a bundle consisting of antivirus + deskshield + firewall. The old Innoculate-It folks.

  9. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    I did mess around with the old versions of Innoculate It and EZArmor. Did not care for either and both got terrible reviews.
    That's not to say the products have not been improved. I don't know.
    Please just understand one thing my friend. Buying a one proggie does all is something many people dream of. Unfortunately, it ain't here yet.
    I suggest System Suite because it is the best program you are going to get for the price and it will, as an addition give you pretty good AV protection and some Firewall security. If you use your head and practice safe hex, you will probably be allright until such time you decide to go with a dedicated AV, AT, etc.
    My main concern, always, is that people that use the net for fun and education, should be able to do so in a safe and friendy atmosphere. I try to offer my best advice to those that seek advice on security, but in the end, if you click on that exe file in your email from some strange address, nothing I can do will help. :D
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