Trend PC-cillin 2003

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by DML, Dec 31, 2002.

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  1. DML

    DML Registered Member

    Dec 9, 2002
    Aloha :cool:

    I recently purchased Trend PC-cillin 2003 for my computer.
    After looking at some reviews on different sites am wondering if its a keeper or not. Seems that some people aren't too impressed by it. Is it that bad of an AV or should I just go ahead with it on my computer.
    Mahalo for your time.
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi DML,

    There hasn't been a lot of talk here regarding Trend's PC-cillin 2003. But, while we wait to hear from those who have specific experience with it, here are a couple references I'd like to bring to your attention. First, there was some favorable discussion of PC-cillin 2003 in this thread recently...

    Also, there is the main Anti-Virus page that mentions our review of Trend PC-cillin 2002. Granted it's the previous version, but, it was considered fairly good at that point...

    Hopefully, a few people who've tested PC-cillin 2003 will stop by and give some detailed recommendations.

    Best Wishes,
  3. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    Well, I can’t help you with the latest 2003 version but I can tell you of my experiences with version 2000, for what it’s worth. I used 2000 for over two years and I must admit that I liked it much better than my former AV, McAfee, because it was much easier to use and keep updated. I’ve only ever contracted 3 viruses in my 3 years of computing, all via email, and all 3 were nailed instantly by my Pc-cillin. But when the 2003 was released, I realized that I had not been renewing the license to use Pc-cillin like I should have been. I emailed Trend and asked them how I could renew my license. They said that I had to purchase the entire new version 2003, which of course comes with firewall, and I believe some sort of Trojan tool. I did not want any of this junk since I already had a firewall and Trojan scanner (2 actually) that I was already very happy with. I emailed them again asking if I could just renew my license (even though I was still able to get the weekly updates without any problem) or they would probably lose a customer. They again replied saying, “No”, I must purchase the entire 2003. At this point I switch to NOD32 which I had been hearing so much about mostly, but not entirely, favorable. When I started using NOD my entire system was faster so I can only imagine that PC-cillin had been slowing everything down BUT I have an old system; PC-cillin may work just fine on a new pc. Whatever your decision, good luck.
  4. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Hi DML. Since you have already paid for it, I would not just junk it.
    I will give you my thoughts on what I would do.
    I would use PC Cillin, but not the firewall that comes with it. When the bugs get worked out of NOD32 version 2, I would try a trial version of NOD32 version 2 and load it as resident protection and use PC Cillin as a backup scanner. It is always best to have a second opinion when it comes to AVs, as none are perfect.
    If the trial version of NOD32 works ok with PC Cillin, then I would purchase it. I consider money spent on security products to be money well spent.
    Just my 2 cents worth. :)
  5. DML

    DML Registered Member

    Dec 9, 2002
    Aloha and thanks for the responses.
    After reading some of your experiences with the PC-Cillin will just keep it on computer.I'm running the ZoneAlarm Pro with it as well.Hopefully this will keep me out of trouble.
    Its possible you mentioned to also run a second antivirus as well? How would I set that up on my computer and is there any conflicts in doing so.
    Appreciate all of your time and information in answering my newbie questions.
  6. MikeGiann

    MikeGiann Registered Member

    Dec 22, 2002
    Montreal, Quebec
    Hi DML, you should not run two antiviruses programs at the same time, meaning 2 active scanners. You can install one and use it to the fullest, with background scanning and email (pop3) scanning turned on. Then install a second one (disabling the first one's scanner temporarily while installing new software) and disable in the programs option to load on startup and email scanning.

    Normally most antivirus software come with an option of automatic updates and I leave this on for both programs so that the active scanner is always up to date and the second backup antivirus is also up to date when I need to scan a certain file or the whole computer. Presently I'm using Drweb (active background and email scanning) and as my backup I use PC-Cillin 2003.

    Pc-Cillin 2003 is great as far as a backup antivirus although the firewall that comes with it is pretty basic and provides no outbound protection. I would suggest OutPost, Sygate or ZoneAlarm if you are new to firewalls also. I was trying Kaspersky's Anti-Hacker for a while but I didn't feel the program performed as advertised so I went back to Outpost Pro, great firewall and great support via this forum and Agnitum's forum.

    Happy New Year Everyone!!

  7. Tassie_Devils

    Tassie_Devils Global Moderator

    May 8, 2002
    State Queensland, Australia
    Hi Guys:

    OK, I have been using Trend since 2000 program and just upgraded [FREE] to 2003 version.

    Free upgrade here: You may have to copy and paste the URL it's long

    Do I like it: YES. Absolutely love it. So easy to use and configure, it's extremely easy to use in general.

    Updates are very regular [I have had 3 in the past 2 days] and takes no time to update. Also I have never had to reboot my PC after an update.

    It's pretty good on scanning times, takes around 12 minutes to full scan of over 40,000 files on my system [W2K PRO SP3].

    I have never once had any trouble with any of the 3 versions [2000/2002/2003]

    The only thing I will say, is if NOD gets a great review and it's bugs ironed out, as no doubt they will, I will probably purchase that, ONLY because of it's great reputation from the VB100% awards, and its unbeatable 100% detection rate of In The Wild viruses.

    Firewall: OK, yes it is a basic firewall, BUT it has NEVER FAILED to block incoming [you are correct Mike, no outbound of course] PLUS I have it running in conjunction with Kerio PFW and NO conflicts at all.

    If you have PC-cillin the only thing I will say about firewalls, is that SYGATE IS NOT compatible with it. I did have Sygate and in their "Known conflicts" blurb, they state their is a conflict with PC-cillin and their 'workaround' was to "Uninstall PC-Cillin". Nah! Just got Kerio which I am very glad I did.

    PC-cillin's firewall has blocked every scan test I have ever done, and boy, have I done some.
    PC Flanks, Sygate, GRC, DSLReports, Blackcode, ComputerCop, Hacker Wacker, HackerWatch, AuditMyPC, etc.etc.

    I am very impressed with 2003, and the new GUI is also nice on the eyes, and much easier to configure than previous.

    Just my $0.02 worth.


    Attached Files:

  8. Tassie_Devils

    Tassie_Devils Global Moderator

    May 8, 2002
    State Queensland, Australia
    I will post just one more pic of the "Settings" :)

    edit: BTW, I have never had a virus, trojan, etc.
    Of course not only do I run PC-cillin but ~~
    Browser Hijacker Blaster
    couple more.

    Attached Files:

  9. Tassie_Devils

    Tassie_Devils Global Moderator

    May 8, 2002
    State Queensland, Australia
    Oh what the heck! I will post a portion of the logs.

    lol.... definitely last pic/post

    Attached Files:

  10. Chuck57

    Chuck57 Registered Member

    Sep 2, 2002
    New Mexico, USA
    I can verify that PCcillin doesn't work with Sygate. I just downloaded the 2000 version that's been resting in a box on a CD with other programs. It came with my computer and I never bothered to use it. This thread convinced me to try it.

    I've since discovered that it doesn't work with McAfee's firewall either. At the moment, I'm running xp's firewall while I search for one that's compatible, while I check out PCcillin.

    Since the 2000 version was a freebie and is registered, I may just download the 2003 "free" upgrade. So far, in the week + that I've used it, I like it.
  11. mr blah

    mr blah Guest

    do you need to be a registered user to be able to update the virus signatures of the program?
  12. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    When I trialed it, it looked to me like you have to be registered.
    Also about the firewall conflicts. It is just not a good idea to have more than one firewall installed. There is too much probability that the two firewall engines will create a conflict, and there is a good possibility that this could happen with no visible effects, but the loss of some protection could very well occur.
    If you don't trust your firewall, try to find one you can trust. It just is not the same as AVs.
    I know some will not agree with this, and it is offered as my opinion only, FWIW. :)
  13. Chuck57

    Chuck57 Registered Member

    Sep 2, 2002
    New Mexico, USA
    PCcillin firewall seems to be compatible with the xp firewall. I've run several tests, pcflank, sygate, and blackcode and passed all, with and without the xp firewall enabled.

    The sole problem I find, and one that delights my wife, is that it's strictly an incoming firewall. I have a hobby of playing with different firewalls and, since we are networked, it annoys her at my having to give her computer permissions, until things are set.

    Her response to PCcillin's was that I finally found one she likes. Our computers are clean of any problems, we both have AV, anti-trojan software, SpyBot, and other things that are run at least two to three times a week, so I guess to keep peace I can live with a one way firewall (for the time being).
  14. ManyThanks

    ManyThanks Guest

    Hi Every1,

    I have just tested a new trojan sim with NAV 2001, as you can guess the trojan loaded opened and NAV sat there watched and did nothing, I then went on Symantec's web site and ran a virus test - not only was the test slooowwww it DID NOT detect the trojan sim. I then uninstalled NAV and installed SystemSuite 4 (used to be Ontrack now v-com) that contains PC-CILLAIN 2000, got all the updates and was suprised when the trojan sim was found and delt with, I then went on to PC-CILLAINS web site and ran a virus scan which again found the trojan, so I now have a good reason to stick with PC-CILLAIN AND GET RID OF NAV but please remember this is my opinion and is what works for me, it also makes me think about the validity of web sites that claim to test AV software and wonder if someone is paying someone else to say what they say.

    ManyThanks :eek:
  15. ManyThanks

    ManyThanks Guest

    P.S, sorry about that PC-CILLIN (spelling) bin on the beer.

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