Getting ready to do a hardware RAID1 to no-raid migration using ShadowProtect. Have brand new Samsung 1TB HD103UJ. Would like to run ESTools or something similar on the new drive first, before doing the migration. Question: any idea how long ESTools will take to do a 1TB SATA drive, assuming all is fine (i.e. that there aren't a kazillion log file entries or reruns due to a bad drive). Question: It looks like ESTools wants to be run from a booted CD or floppy. Are there any other recommended tools that would do the same testing and that could be run while in Windows, when the drive was connected to an external enclosure? Faster is better, too. edit: HDTune website and manual / FAQ doesn't mention whether the drive has to be formatted first or not... edit: Question: would testing using a USB-connected external enclosure be slower than using the eSATA connector, or is the speed/time dependent on the s/w or drive, not the connector?
If ESTOOLS is a sector testing tool for Samsung drives,there usualy are quick scan modes ,which shouldnt take too long maybe half an hour,even for 1TB. A full scan would take overnight. You can always cancel the scan without causing any damage. Connecting to eSATA will substantially improve the time taken. If you carry out the test whilst still in RAID,should also help. Cant see the point of doing this now-the chances of bad sectors are minimal and you can always correct these afterwards. Bad sectors would normally be created after the HDD is actually in use HD Tune will perform a quick error scan,which would take minutes,so suggest you do this afterwards and only carry out the ESTools scan if there are errors,so they can be corrected. The drive needs to be formatted and recognised.