TiP: XP Home and Vista Home users

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by Kees1958, Jul 7, 2008.

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  1. Kees1958

    Kees1958 Registered Member

    Jul 8, 2006
    In the cheaper versions of Xp and Vista, the group policy editor is missing, which makes it difficult the implement Sofware Restriction Policies. There are two however two command lines (which in combo with for instance power user / LUA in Vista) could enforce some added security:

    in XP: CACLS (in command/dos box see http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-10878_11-1050976.html)

    in Vista: ICACLS (see http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1887/2)

    To change the access rights to file/directory objects,

    Also in the Microsoft area for entrepeneurs/business a section hidden Windows (and Vista) tools exist, search for it in the Microsoft website (business users section, not home users).

    Regards Kees
  2. lordpake

    lordpake Registered Member

    Aug 7, 2004
    Helsinki ~ European Union
  3. tlu

    tlu Guest

    @Kees: cacls doesn't replace the group policy editor in XP but only the security tab of the explorer available in XP Pro. An easy way how to add that to the Home edition is by installing FajoXP.

    If you want to implement SRP in the Home edition you should turn it to an XP Pro edition (see this and this posts) and then add the group policy editor gpedit.msc (see this, this and this posts). Note: In this case you don't need FajoXP as the security tab will be available anyway.

    I don't know if a similar solution is available for Vista.
  4. Kees1958

    Kees1958 Registered Member

    Jul 8, 2006

    Excellent addition thanks, I know it does not replace it, hence "could enforce some added security" claim
  5. Kees1958

    Kees1958 Registered Member

    Jul 8, 2006
    Google for cacls and techrepublic, press on google's cache
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