Ticket Issues and License Upgrade

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by Brian Sullivan, Oct 29, 2023.

  1. Brian Sullivan

    Brian Sullivan Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2023
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    Creating a technical support ticket fails every attempt with the error that I'm not authorized; however, I am a pro license holder. As well, any attempt to reset password fails, which I've tried to do since it doesn't recognize the email with which I registered or and bought the license (!).

    While that is obviously frustrating, my query is simple: Why is there no option to upgrade my license from single-PC user to 1-3-PC user? Why can't I, say, renew early and upgrade? I've purchased another laptop, but I don't want to purchase another single-user license: I want to use auto-update on both laptops, using an upgraded 1-3-PC user license. Seems simple (and I've done it with every other key software I use. Why can I not do that with Spyware Blaster and its auto-update?
  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Have you followed the link titled "SpywareBlaster AutoUpdate license issues" at the bottom of this page: https://www.brightfort.com/support.html ? That should enable you to easily submit a new support ticket (no logging in required).

    If you continue to have issues, please feel free to send me a direct PM (private message) via these forums with the email address you used for your purchase, and we can certainly get this straightened away.
  3. Brian Sullivan

    Brian Sullivan Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2023
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    Here's the screen every time I try to submit a ticket with my registered email. Why?
    That's the exact page that produces the issue (which see attached screenshot).

    Attached Files:

  4. Brian Sullivan

    Brian Sullivan Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2023
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    It gets worse than that, though: the site won't even allow me to reset my password using my registered email...!

    Attached Files:

  5. Brian Sullivan

    Brian Sullivan Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2023
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    Regardless of those support site and ticket annoyances, my original post states the simple issue clearly: I simply need to upgrade my license for Auto-Updater from 1 to 1-3 PCS so I don't have purchase a separate single-user license to install it on my new laptop, and I see no function to do that (in other software, it's usually obvious to upgrade or renew early with different options, but in Spyware Blaster it seems one is stuck with the original purchase option only, until it expires).
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