TI9 - Invalid Partition Size

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by jac1d, Dec 19, 2005.

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  1. jac1d

    jac1d Registered Member

    Dec 19, 2005
    I've been trying to install my recently purchased TI9 software on a new machine.

    The machine is a clean install of XP with SP2 and all the MS patches.

    I started with the latest 2323 build and tried to activate the secure zone, and during the reboot and repartition phase it told me that I had an invalid partition size. This was on a 250GB SATA drive.

    I know there are some issues with SATA so I removed the drive, installed a WD 40B ATA drive and installed XP and SP2 again. I install 2323 and tried once again to activate the secure zone. Same error. Invalid partition size.

    I then downgraded to the two earlier builds, thinking maybe it was a recent problem. Same issue.

    I have now read through the forums and its clear to me there is a serious issue with the activation of the secure zone. While it also appears to me that Acronis is sincere in its desire to resolve the issue - I am very disappointed that a product that purports to be mature and has once PC Magazine awards is exhibiting such severe problems at this stage.

    Also, I paid full price for the product in the last 30 days, and I now understand it has gone on sale. At either price, with this issue outstanding, I am very concerened and would like to hear from Acronis on the solution to this issue.

    Clearly trust and stability are big issues when selecting a backup solution.

  2. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello Jeff,

    Thank you for choosing Acronis Disk Backup Software.

    We are really sorry that you are displeased with the work of Acronis software.

    Could you please check each partition of your hard drive by Windows utility?

    - Use Windows menu Start\Run, then enter the command "chkdsk c: /r" "chkdsk d: /r" for every partition of your hard drive;

    - Note that you will need to reboot your computer in order to scan the system partition.

    Please also do the following:

    - Install the latest build (2323) of Acronis True Image 9.0 once again;

    - Download the latest version of Acronis drivers and install it with disabled logging;

    - Try to create Acronis Secure Zone using Manage Acronis Secure Zone wizard and see if the problem still persists.

    Please do not use Activate Acronis Startup Recovery Manager wizard to create Acronis Secure Zone and activate Acronis Startup Recovery Manager in one action, since this most likely will not work. It is a known problem and will be fixed in the future builds of Acronis True Image 9.0. Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience.

    Please also note that you will be able to activate Acronis Startup Recovery Manager later using Activate Acronis Startup Recovery wizard.

    If the problem still persists and you still unable to create Acronis Secure Zone using Manage Acronis Secure Zone wizard then please also try to create it when your PC is booted from Bootable Rescue CD created using the latest build (2323) of Acronis True Image 9.0. Let us know the result.

    Please also collect the following information:

    - Create Acronis Report as it is described in Acronis Help Post;

    - Provide the exact text of the error message you have received;

    - When exactly have you received this error message?

    - Describe actions taken before the problem appears step-by-step.

    Please submit a request for technical support. Attach the collected report.txt file and information to your request along with the link to this thread. We will investigate the problem and try to provide you with the solution.

    Thank you.
    Alexey Popov
  3. Detox

    Detox Retired Moderator

    Feb 9, 2002
    Texas, USA
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