This things happen with ZoneAlarm..?

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by sweater, Dec 9, 2005.

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  1. sweater

    sweater Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Philippines, the Political Dynasty Capital of the
    I am now trying out the latest ZoneAlarm free.. as I have read from several members that the new ZA is more better and faster than their previous versions. I think they're right, coz it's more stable and my internet is just ok. ;)

    But the only problem I was encountering for now since I installed the latest ZoneAlarm free was that... sometimes the webpage could not be displayed everything was blank and w the message I attach below. :oops: This thing never happen to me using the other firewall. And it only happen when I installed the new ZA. :doubt:

    How can I solved this problem? o_O

    Attached Files:

  2. Chuck57

    Chuck57 Registered Member

    Sep 2, 2002
    New Mexico, USA
    I experienced the same problem with ZA Pro that I was trialing. I just assumed it was my settings, although I disabled almost everything and still couldn't those sites to show.

    They are just political and military forums on which I post. Finally, removed ZA and am fooling with the new Outpost firewall now and things are working ok, except that I can't get the Outpost icon to appear in the bar at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    Chuck, I had a problem running Outpost with AVG. For some reason there seems to be an incompatiblity there and when I ran AVG with Outpost, the Outpost icon would not appear in the system tray. If I removed AVG, then everything was fine. Don't know if this is your case or not, but thought it worth mentioning.. I also saw the same problem mentioned in the Outpost forum, although not in relation to AVG.
  4. Chuck57

    Chuck57 Registered Member

    Sep 2, 2002
    New Mexico, USA
    I'm using ETrust EZ at the moment. No telling what antivirus I'll have on here next week or next month. I rebooted, figuring maybe something just failed to start in Outpost, but still no icon.

    Outpost is running fine and everything checks fine at, pcflanks, and at Sygate security checks. I guess it isn't that big a deal as long as it works. I just feel more comfortable seeing the little circle with a line through it.

    At this point, too, internet use with the new ZA Pro seemed to let things work faster than Outpost, with this machine anyway. Never thought I'd ever be a ZA fan, but I really like the new ZA Pro and might go back to it even if I can't get to some sites.
  5. unhappy_viewer

    unhappy_viewer Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    Have you given Generic Host Process(svchost.exe) permission to access the trusted and internet zone, and server rights to the trusted zone only (not the internet zone!)? Also check to see that Firefox was given access permission to the internet zone.
  6. Chuck57

    Chuck57 Registered Member

    Sep 2, 2002
    New Mexico, USA
    I feel like an idiot. Thank you Unhappy Viewer. I just reinstalled ZA Pro and tried your ideas. They worked for me. I'm up and running with no problems here using ZA Pro. Should have thought of them myself. It was Generic Host Process on my computer that I'd blocked. I allowed it this time and all is okay. Thank you again.
  7. sweater

    sweater Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Philippines, the Political Dynasty Capital of the
    My surfing got weird w/ ZA 6.1.7…

    After installing the latest ZoneAlarm free… these are some of the weird things I noticed: some website didn’t load properly and firefox browser just says it could not access the server and I have to click for the second or third time in order to load it successfully; I could not click the smiley icons on this forum even if I allowed the NoScripts extension, and I could not see the picture attachements; even if some sites loads fast, 5% of its remaining page sometimes keeps on hanging to complete and it takes several seconds to complete the download; software programs I downloaded always got corrupted (except zip); clicking the gmail icons on google toolbar got me into, but once I entered my acct name and password to check my email it just keeps on loading and the page is still blank.

    Any suggestions or ideas to fix this problem?
  8. JJ_

    JJ_ Registered Member

    Dec 12, 2004
    Re: My surfing got weird w/ ZA 6.1.7…

    Its being talked about at

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2005
  9. Brian N

    Brian N Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2005
    Re: My surfing got weird w/ ZA 6.1.7…

    I got the same problem on my W2000 machine (page not loading properly). I thought it was my ISP :p
    Hopefully they will get it fixed.
  10. CrazyM

    CrazyM Firewall Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    BC, Canada

    I have merged your ZA threads as they overlap.


  11. Chuck57

    Chuck57 Registered Member

    Sep 2, 2002
    New Mexico, USA
    I found another way to make things work in ZA. I shut down ZoneAlarm, and immediately could get to those sites that wouldn't open. I then started ZA again while at the sites that were blocked. ZoneAlarm now lets me go to those sites.

    Try shutting down ZA, then see if you can get to the blocked sites. If you can, start ZA with program control set to medium and smartdefense set to manual. I have internet security zone and trusted zone both on high. Cookie control and ad blocking are both on medium.

    Either it works here or after a couple of day's rest, ZA has started to behave properly again.
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