Edge IS a weak link, despite what Microsoft is saying to the contrary. It's not stable. There's a cumulative update available NOW, kb3194496. What is up with that? Guess we'll find out in the "further info", must be quite important.
Edge is getting hammered on FB. There are several threads from MS Edge which has its own FB page. Nothing positive in any of them. Everyone is angry with it. Another very weak link is not allowing control of updates. Then there's the MS snooping that cannot be turned off which, I've read is coming to Win 7 through 8.1 eventually in updates. I checked every update I got when I went back to 8.1 and all were okay. I've since turned off updates. With VS and SecureAplus I think I'm plenty safe.
I just had a look the Facebook page. I don't get where all the negatvity comes from. If you don't like Edge, install a different browser. It's not like you are forced to to use it. Personally I like Edge as it is really fast. I would never use it as my primary browser, as it is not configurable enough for my needs. But, the same applies to Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and Opera as well. I use Edge solely for YouTube, as it's fast navigating webpages, and it means I never have to login to Google in my primary browser.
Edge is good performance-wise but gives some weird errors in Event Viewer and some stupid error occurs every time it's opened and used. ESENT warning 640 re: Edge. What is a "flush map?" You do all the routine troubleshooting: DISM, SFC, Windows Store reset and they're still there. Sure, I use a third party browser too but in the instance of needing a back-up browser in a hurry and you don't have anything else at the moment, it would be nice to have a reliable and safe one. An unstable error-ridden browser, to me, is a vulnerable one. I still don't understand why Edge and all the native apps like Store are embedded in the OS. Maybe because it's a revenue thing.
I don't have a clue why people don't use a different browser. Some are. Maybe others just want the thing that came with the OS to work like it should. I'll grant it was fast when I had 10. At least getting to different pages was fast. Once there, it often wouldn't let me scroll. In addition to sitting until everything loaded on a page, it just wasn't reliable. It froze, crashed regularly and copy and paste was a nightmare. I went to Firefox. Windows 10, the first one, was fine. The anniversary update, not so great on this laptop. No matter now. It's gone.
I mostly stopped trying to follow developments on the Windows front. So bear with me. Windows 10 supports many existing desktop applications and it supports apps of some kind. UWP apps, isn't that the name? Some people want to run the same software on multiple types of devices and UWP is specifically designed to allow for that. So one question I have is: are their alternate browsers available as UWP apps? Which ones? I think every app platform I have read about had some significant limitations. In addition to central store pseudo lock-in, mandatory approval/signing, and related issues. Which would make it more difficult for developers of sophisticated software to port their full product and feature-set over. I think an extreme example of what is possible (could happen if it hasn't already) would be Apple's "Apps that browse the web must use the appropriate WebKit framework and WebKit Javascript." requirement. Requirements like that can have a major impact on how different a "different" browser/whatever can be. What is the situation on that front? I think, regardless of where things stand now, it would be wise for users and developers to encourage (pressure if necessary) app platform developers to improve not only their own apps but also the app platform itself.
I guess you don't know what is Appcontainer...? (All Metro Apps benefits from this feature), only Chrome can rivals with Edge in term of security , FF is out since ages. small explanation & test of Appcontainer : https://www.malwaretech.com/2015/09/advanced-desktop-application-sandboxing.html i guessed you never asked why Internet Explorer is embedded in all Windows...? IE was left in Win8/10 for legacy purposes, in fact IE should have been removed since Win8 ; since Edge is way more secure. Some apps (Music, Video, Photo, etc...) are safer replacement of the various Windows Media softs, other (like Mail, Maps, etc..) discard the need of unsafe 3rd party softs ; however some apps (netflix, like candycrush , etc...) are clearly are really a business things.
Do you think that Edge is ready for prime time? I know companies can't use it even if it is more safe. It's practically unusable with lots of our customers. After all security is not ALL that matters.
I saw the update when I went to update Defender-- seeing that it was coming on a Thursday suggested something important. Looked in the "more info" section and as usual, a lot a vague language. Edge was in there somewhere, that's all I could glean. guest: I said I LIKED Edge's performance, not its protracted growing pains ! Errors in Event Viewer mean something and shouldn't always be dismissed. Thank you for enlightening about Appcontainer, that was helpful. But as far as I'm concerned, that still doesn't sell me on the browser, I still see too many glitches first hand.
FYI - IE11 x64 runs in AppContainer on Win 8/10 is you enable EPM and 64 bit tabs in the advanced settings section.
yes EPM was the "test mode" to implement appcontainer widely. btw, Chrome runs on Appcontainer too via a tweak , FF is lagging behind Chrome & Edge security-wised. i don't know for them , but Edge work flawlessly on my system. You are welcome, Edge is my backup browser when Chrome can't display properly a particular website. i couldn't say that with IE.