This is sad..who would have thought

Discussion in 'ten-forward' started by Primrose, Nov 27, 2005.

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  1. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    Teenager with peanut allergy dies after a kiss News Staff

    A Quebec teenager with a peanut allergy has died after kissing her boyfriend who had eaten a peanut butter sandwich hours earlier.

    Fifteen-year-old Christina Desforges died Monday. She went into anaphylactic shock and in spite of being given an adrenalin shot, could not be revived.

    Desforges lived 250 km north of Quebec City in Saguenay.

    The official cause of the teen's death has not yet been released.

    Pediatric allergist Karen Sigman told CTV's Tania Krywiak if peanuts are still on the tongue or the lips, they can still cause a reaction.

    Sigman says teenagers with allergies have to let their friends know.

    "If they're going to be dating somebody that they have to tell the people they're close to that they're allergic to make sure the people they're with aren't in contact with those nuts or peanuts," Sigman said.

    Parents of children with nut and peanut allergies have the added pressure of constantly watching what their offspring are eating.

    Terri Elituv, mother of 12-year-old Jake Elituv, told CTV News they always watch out for snacks that include peanuts, or traces of the legume.

    "Everything is just sort of fraught with this underlying tension, you're anxious about what he's going to have, what he could touch," she said.

    Elituv's other concern is what happens when her son becomes more independent in his teen years -- and might not share his allergy concerns with friends at parties.

    Desforges' parents are planning a memorial service Saturday.
  2. beetlejuice

    beetlejuice Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2002
    I knew peanut allergies can be very bad, but I never would have thought it could happen like that.
  3. Cochise

    Cochise A missed friend

    Jan 26, 2003
    North Thoresby Lincs Good Olde England
    Where are all these Allergies coming would appear that in this day and age everyone is allergic to something, Why?......Is it just this Generation, could it be that the kids are maybe over protected from the chance to get dirty.....when I was young nobody I ever knew had an allergy.....could it be because we became immune to these modern kids we had all eaten the 'Ton' of soil as they say, we would play in the streets and finish up with filthy hands and then go home and come back out again with a couple of Doorstep size rounds of bread and jam (Jelly) with hands as black as soot, and even lick the jam off our fingers without a thought. We would pass around,say, an apple, so that we all got a bite of it.....we would go camping and all drink from the same bottles of water that would have breadcrumbs floating in it from our sandwiches.....

    I do not know of any of my contempories, then or now, having an allergy or an illness that stemmed from that way of life......

    Is it our modern desire for 'Hot' Homes and sterile living conditions that have brought these disasterous 'Conditions' down on us?......

    Sad times when a young life can be taken as simply as that......What of the Future?.....

  4. beetlejuice

    beetlejuice Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2002

    Great points Chise. I have always wondered if we are trying to keep a little too clean so that our bodies never build up the natural resistance we used to have.
  5. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
  6. eyes-open

    eyes-open Registered Member

    May 13, 2005
    While things are a changing Cochise - with stuff like peanuts ya gotta know it's more to do with its prevelance in products.

    Now get this - an English study showed that peanuts are also found in some creams & lotions that find their way onto babies and begin the process of becoming susceptible (US seems a bit better off - but not unaffected):-

    Food for Thought - Unexpected Sources of Peanut Allergy

    When you consider how many different products contain peanuts in one form or another it's not surprising the proportion affected is larger......and kids seem less resilient.

    Must be kinda difficult to keep topside of for a parent ....

  7. Peaches4U

    Peaches4U Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    At my computer
    Allergies have been around for a very long time. I have had allergies all my life so know what it's like. Only now there is more news about it. I have a son with multiple allergies and raising such a child has not been a picnic nor has it been for him. By multiple allergies I will mention just a few ....
    * dust & pollen
    * Oats, beef, chicken
    * penicillin & other meds
    * milk, eggs, citrus, honey
    * wool
    * immunization serums are/were egg based so could not be immunized.
    * Mosquito and bee stings.

    My son has had an anaphylactic reaction [shock] to eggs & insect stings as well as penicillin. In one instance he lost his eyesight for a week. To keep him conscious, pinching the back of the leg behind the knee keeps the sufferer from going into a coma. Usually cortisonne or Prednisone by injection will bring a person out of this condition. Been there, done that!!

    An anaphylactic reaction may begin with a tingling sensation, itching,[eczema] or metallic taste in the mouth. Other symptoms can include hives, a sensation of warmth, asthma symptoms, swelling of the mouth and throat area, difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, cramping, a drop in blood pressure, and loss of consciousness. These symptoms may begin in as little as five to 15 minutes to up to two hours after exposure to the allergen, but life-threatening reactions may progress over hours.

    What is anaphylaxis?
    Anaphylaxis is a sudden, severe, potentially fatal, systemic allergic reaction that can involve various areas of the body (such as the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system). Symptoms occur within minutes to two hours after contact with the allergy-causing substance but, in rare instances, may occur up to four hours later. Anaphylactic reactions can be mild to life threatening.

    What are the common causes of anaphylaxis?
    Common causes of anaphylaxis include:

    Insect stings

    Allergies are about the immune system. Allergies can be dormant and triggered at anytime. Allergies change during a person's lifespan. What one may have been allergic to as a child, may not have that allergy as an adult but a new allergy will develop instead. However, the childhood allergy can also be triggered back so it is like living with a time bomb. Yes it is difficult for a parent to stay on top of but it is equally as difficult for a child that has to deal with it. Telling his/her peers only serves teasing and taunting which makes the child even feel worse. Public education is the way to go.
  8. Rita

    Rita Infrequent Poster

    Jun 28, 2004
    wilds of wv
    I had a severy allegery attack to prell shampoo the other day.I hadnt used it for years,so I shampooed my hair,and in a little while my head felt like it was on fire--immediately after!Then my whole body broke out,and looked like I was scalded and it also felt like it.I was fire engine red all over and in quite a bit of pain.It scared me to death.I was alone and not sure what to do.I just waited and very slowly the rash left taking about 4 hrs before it was completly I'm peeling just like I had had a bad sunburn.I have never had an allegry but I am positive this was one,and I know it was prell shampoo-something in it--I will never use it again!!I only wish I knew which ingredient in it was responsible.
  9. beetlejuice

    beetlejuice Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2002
    I definately would think seriously about calling the Dr. on this one. I've never heard of someones skin peeling from an allergic reaction.
  10. Peaches4U

    Peaches4U Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    At my computer
    Rita, people with tendencies towards allergies may never suffer an allergy but it only takes one item to trigger it and the problems begin. Were you on any type of medication at the time of using the shampoo? Allergies affect people in different ways - Macularpapular rash is the most common type of drug-induced allergic skin reactions. It is described as a combination of reddened macular (small, distinct, flat areas) and papular (small raised lesion) rashes.

    * These usually start on the trunk, the arms and legs are often involved but the face may be spared. The rash is usually bright red in color and the skin may feel hot, burning or itchy. This rash can occur with almost any drug at any time up to two to three weeks after the drug has been given, but are most common within the first 10 days.
    * A severe form of this type of allergic reaction would be a wide spread, red rash that blends together. Often associated with peeling of the skin, and desquamation (areas of wet or dry open sores). There may be other symptoms such as fever, lymph node enlargement, and loss of appetite.
  11. Rita

    Rita Infrequent Poster

    Jun 28, 2004
    wilds of wv
    Hi Peaches
    I am taking the vitamin niacin and vitamin c,thats all I am taking,but I had just started taking them a week or so before the reaction.I wouldnt think they would do it but who knows:doubt: I sure hope it never happens again--it was scary.I will be afraid to try any shampoo I havent used before--or one I havent used for years lol.
  12. Rita

    Rita Infrequent Poster

    Jun 28, 2004
    wilds of wv
    I thought I was going to have to go to the emergency room when it happened.I knew it was an allegeric reaction,and I would have called 911 if i had had any breathing problems.thankfully I had only had rash and pain from it.
  13. LambChop

    LambChop Registered Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    Tornado Alley USA
    Ms Rita
    I just have to say something here -- even though you think that you're out of the woods - and/or the critical matter has passed - it is imperative to let your doctor know about what took place!

    Not knowing which of the ingredients within the formula -- and whether or not those ingredients had reacted to the over the counter things you had just started taking -- could full well cost you your life next time.

    Shock might well set-in and render you unable to speak, close your airway, and you would suffocate -- and only the coroner would find out in the end that your life could have been spared.

    This should not be taken lightly!
  14. Rita

    Rita Infrequent Poster

    Jun 28, 2004
    wilds of wv
    Hi LambChop
    Thats very good advice but I dont even really have a dr.I havent been to one in years and years,every now and then I'll go and get blood work done at the lab for sugar, cholostrel etc.I am rarely sick even with a cold or anything.I have been very lucky!and very blessed!!If this ever happens again I will go immediately to the er and see what it is.
  15. LambChop

    LambChop Registered Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    Tornado Alley USA
    Hi Rita,
    I am very glad that you have been so blessed -- and/or lucky!

    My people do not believe in butting into the business of others -- but, we are taught from childhood - that when you know something that will help another -- it is your duty to share such -- that was my intent!

    I am older than dirt -- and in both the military and my civilian life, I have taken the healing arts to many corners of the globe -- and I realize that not all people have the means or the inclination to have a primary physician -- in or out of the United States!

    But, it truly upset me to read about what happened to you -- because I know what else may happen -- those who provide for others, such as wives, daughters, mothers, and cargivers -- are the last to take care of themselves -- and then they leave those who depend on them in the dark when they are gone!

    I hope that you continue to have good health -- take good care.
  16. Rita

    Rita Infrequent Poster

    Jun 28, 2004
    wilds of wv
    Thank you LC,I appreciate have got me thinking.I know I should get a primary doctor,because it would be great to be familiar with one when you have the need for one.also being no spring chicken lol,anything could happen at any time.When you feel sixteen--it's hard to realize your growing older and alot of things are changing in the body lol.I really appreciate your concern-you have a great day!!
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