The privacy covenant is an illusion: How to regain control

Discussion in 'privacy general' started by lotuseclat79, Apr 19, 2011.

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  1. lotuseclat79

    lotuseclat79 Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    The privacy covenant is an illusion: How to regain control.

    -- Tom
  2. monkeybutt

    monkeybutt Registered Member

    May 18, 2009
    Good read, don't know how I missed that one?
  3. nix

    nix Registered Member

    Sep 22, 2010
    The twin specters of the classic communication utopia/dystopia models were earlier today contrasted for me here:

    So close. But propaganda and surveillance are inexorably melded. Orwell and Huxley both had it right. But it happens simultaneously.
  4. CloneRanger

    CloneRanger Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2006
    @ lotuseclat79

    Thanks for posting :thumb:

    I wish more people would get to see this, unfortunately they won't :( So it's up to us to spread the word :thumb:

    But then it goes on to say this.

    I agree with both. So yeah, The façade is crumbling & the noose is tightening, and it's already nearly 5 months into 2011. Only just over 7 months to go before we enter 2012.

    I certainly don't expect, or am planning, for things to get better all by themselves. I expect a LOT worse of everything, including "natural" ( or not ) disasters. And due to the Fact that most people are asleep at the wheel, they won't Properly wake up until it's too late. By which time, you ain't seen nothing yet ! Of course the difficulty is in attempting to enlighten others, even to what is Actually happening in the world, both in front of & behind the mirrors. They either don't believe/get it, or are too busy/bored to listen. There comes a point when you either feel like you're wasting your time trying to open peoples eyes/ears and keep quiet, or inspite of that persist, in the hope that at least some begin to wake up sooner. Fortunately some do, but not enough to stop the rot.

    So yes it'll definately continue, until it all goes bang. Those who havn't made substatial provisions will be in deep doo doo = Most of them. I might be wrong, but reading ALL the signs, & knowledge of ALL the events of recent, and much further back, leads to believe i am not.
  5. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    No one listens, no one wants to look for themselves. Look people, you can sit on your hind ends talking out of them about you know how to evade this or that. You can sit there and laugh, shaking your heads at the "conspiracy nuts" (some are, some actually know what the hell is going on and are trying to tell anyone who will listen). You can sit there and talk about your "rights", how they can't get away with this, they won't possibly do that.....they ARE getting away with it, they ARE doing that, and you're too damned busy or think you're smarter than them, to give a damn or see it happening.

    Do you honestly think things will "turn out alright", if you don't take part? Do you truly believe anyone but you can take care of yourself? Do you really not see the courts, the law enforcement agencies and the very people you supposedly elected slowly taking away decisions you should be making? Do you not see them ignoring your precious EFF and all your other "protectors"? News flash: They don't give a damn about the EFF. To my other Americans, how in the HELL can you sit there caring more about American Idol results when your own government has CZARS?

    Do any of you, any of you at all realize or care that all the moaning and groaning about privacy, loss of rights, government interference doesn't amount to a pile of horse crap if you're not willing to listen and get up off your butt? The entire planet is already broke or heading there, one law after another is being piled on you telling you what you can and can't do, what you can and can't say, but you don't seem to give two squirts of pee or refuse to face that you're becoming powerless.

    Do you feel like you can't change anything now? Do you feel helpless? You haven't felt a thing yet. Every law you let pass without saying "No!" takes more power from you. Google won't help you, they need your data to survive. The EFF is impotent, politicians will comfort you, while they sit around planning more power grabs. YOU are the only thing left to stop it. Can you turn off the TV long enough to make your voice heard, before you get told to sit down, shut up, and be a good little boy and girl?
  6. Daveski17

    Daveski17 Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    I thought that 1984 & Brave New World were both dystopian novels. ;)
  7. Longboard

    Longboard Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Sydney, Australia
    I'm here.
  8. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    They are. But, laying aside some things like the literal "Thought Police", you're already in both of those novels, Dave. That's what people can't or won't understand. The global wrecking of the economy is enough to start everyone under one form of currency, to limit populations (not sure if you know much about China, but they already do and have been doing things straight out of both books. Look no further than North Korea for evidence of "Alpha, Beta"-type control.) and so on. Just because you don't have a chip in your head and a camera in your TV, doesn't make you "free". All you have to do is look around you. Look at all the countries being turned upside down by protests, look at the repressive regimes we have now, not in the future. Look at China, North Korea, see how much of 1984 and Brave New World they are experiencing. Finally, look at your own government. Look at the restrictions being placed on you, one small step at a time. Go ahead, all of you, think "it can't happen to me", "we have rights as people, they can only go so far". Watch while privacy is boosted at the cost of security, then watch while security is bolstered at the cost of privacy. Keep watching the back and forth, and, when you wake up one day to see them both gone, remember, you were warned.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2011
  9. nix

    nix Registered Member

    Sep 22, 2010
    Well, a dystopia is the byproduct of a utopia that doesn't belong to you :) The proliferation of a dytopia never occurs in a vacuum. Orwell, Huxley, and Burgess all had a piece of the puzzle. They all dealt with surveillance and propaganda. Propaganda is simply targeted messaging. In A Clockwork Orange the targeting was simple: eyes forced open. How much nicer then, to supply you with products you "need" based upon your shopping habits, and "linked" to the "entertainments" of the day? And how convenient if these "needs" can now be melded with a government-approved (not mandated!) internet identity system, for instance? We've had articles posted on all these topics, just this week. Forget about being paranoid, or a conspiracy nut. That's just a judgment as to how one person processes input, as opposed to another. I'm interested in systems of communication and control. And that means looking at theoretical models. It's not that a certain method of systemic control will happen. I'm not interested in prediction. I'm interested in what's possible: can "A" be linked to "B", and if so, what does that mean? Then we can make predictions with more accuracy.
  10. CloneRanger

    CloneRanger Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2006
    @ nix

    You wouldn't say that if i someone gave you the winning lottery numbers :p

    Plenty of A links to B, and FAR beyond, about all sorts of things that have happened & are happening. Most people can't be bothered looking/reading/learning etc :( Not you ;) lots of others.

    Thought you wern't interested in prediction :D
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