'The NOD32 Kernel Service terminated unexcpectedly'

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by keepitdownx, Jun 30, 2008.

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  1. keepitdownx

    keepitdownx Registered Member

    Jun 30, 2008
    Hello, I have been working on this laptop for several days now, removing tons of spyware, viruses, and malware day by day. I have used several programs. The customer chose to purchase a NOD32 Subscription, so I continued to install NOD32. I normally download from the ESET website and continue the installation from there. However, with this laptop when I try to access the www.Eset.com website it instantly closes. So I used our CD that we have, when I inserted the CD, the autorun would not automatically run. When I go to My Computer to execute the CD, it briefly would flash the install and then just instantly close similar to the internet explorer problem.

    I went to the services log and did see the following:

    'The NOD32 Kernel Service service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 830 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 0 milliseconds. Restart the service.'

    I did get NOD32 to install somehow, it was after a chkdsk, I got it to fully update to the latest definition, and managed to get a full analysis. However after a restart NOD did not start with Windows, and when I tried to open the control center I saw that it was instantly closing like the IE and the install disk.

    Oh, and if I go to any link to download or search for Hijackthis, IE does the same thing. Firefox does it as well..

    Thanks in advance for the help.
  2. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

    Well , the answer is obvious . The laptop is still infected with "tons of spyware" and other threats , one of which killed NOD32.

    You post about "working on that laptop for some days" . Why don't you simply reinstall Windows and start from scrach . It would have takes less time and efforts.

    After the format , protect the computer by running a firewall , NOD32 and updated Windows/applications.
  3. keepitdownx

    keepitdownx Registered Member

    Jun 30, 2008
    The only problem with that is it is a customers computer and we do not resort straight to a reformat. Solving the problem the hard way is usually the first step. I have run several scans and have deleted tons of malware. The computer is running smooth and shows no signs of any viruses or spyware anymore, the last step was to install NOD32 for the customer to have added security for after his/her laptop leaves the shop. However I have run into this error and I cannot remove this virus/trojan.
  4. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

    If NOD32's kernel cannot start and if the computer was seriously infected , this is sign of infection which is still there . Of course NOD32's service may not start because of other reasons but they are less likely in this situation .

    Download and run ESET SysInspector

    When the utility has collected the information , click File > Save Log
    Confirm your wish. A log file , placed in a zip archive , will be created.

    Send that archived file to ESET Technical Support , support@eset.com . Then , they'll guide you to a way to eliminate the threat and possibly recover the problems :thumb:
  5. Dark Shadow

    Dark Shadow Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2007
    I agree with HiTech on 4matt.If the laptop is that badly infected it would seem your either losing money buy spending to much Time on the machine or would the customer eat huge repair bills,with still no insurance you got everything.I think the wise thing would be to contact the customer let him or her know there options.If it was me and some one had my machine for days or weeks and it came back with problems still, I would not be a happy camper.I wish you luck though.
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