The end of uBlock Origin for Google Chrome?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by guest, Oct 12, 2019.

  1. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
  2. chrcol

    chrcol Registered Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    I find myself questioning ublock origin myself.

    The umatrix project has been closed for future development without migrating its features to ublock origin.

    Recently gorhill told me because I dont understand adblock syntax I should stop using advanced user features entirely, and I have noticed a few posts from him on reddit indicating he doesnt like people using advanced functionality, I expect he wants to dumb it down and make it a simple adfilter using lists only. This was on a thread where I supported another user's idea of the community sharing advanced rules with each other, gorhill basically said if you dont make them yourself dont use the feature.

    As to why chrome blocked the dev version (but not the product version), the question is why, has he added some kind of feature in the dev version that breaks their t&c? They are still allowing ublock origin.

    My problem with migrating to firefox, is it was so slow when I used to use it as main browser, all of the gc stuttering issues etc. They seem to change their mind on extension API every few years as well as doing UI rehaul's, they not stable in their direction.

    The browser space in general right now is in the worst era I have seen it in, we have a million chrome clones, whether they fosks or FF copying its UI, and vivaldi, vivaldi been the one browser that has a proper sane customisable UI, but my issue with vivaldi is its closed source. Every single browser wants everyone's info with their auto sync services.
  3. chrcol

    chrcol Registered Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    for some reason gorhill seems to want to concentrate on the filter lists, he has suspended umatrix dev I think, and seems ot prefer static filtering to dynamic filtering (the latter I think is the best part of ublock origin).
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