Test results of September from checkvir.com

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Technodrome, Oct 29, 2002.

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  1. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    About Checkvir.com
    CheckVir is a project for anti-virus testing. Starting of this project was supported by the Hungarian Ministry of Education, Research and Development Division (IKTA-00033/2000). The purpose of these tests is not the ranking of anti-virus softwares. The results of these tests do not claim that an anti-virus product is better than another. Of course we can not claim that any anti-virus product works totally correctly or it has not got any mistake. The test results indicate only that there are a number of cases or there are no cases where the tested anti-virus software fails on the tested environment against the used virus samples. The main goal of these tests is that the results of the tests published on this web site help users in the fight against viruses, help anti-virus developers in their work and the anti-virus products become better and free from bugs.

    Testing results from September are related to the number of viruses instead of the number of samples. (Many samples are used for testing!) Additionally from September Virus Knowledge and Correctness are measured.

    See results: www.checkvir.com/displayer.php?site=checkvir&page=2.3.7


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