TDS software line discontinued

Discussion in 'Trojan Defence Suite' started by Wayne - DiamondCS, Jul 22, 2005.

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  1. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Annie's Pub
    I stay outside what you are thinking about f.e. Magnus and Andreas, that's not my beer.

    But past saturday and this sunday there was time enough for Wayne to give his point of view, Wayne cannot excuse himself with: "well guys, now it's weekend and washing my car is more important then defend myself against possible attacks and/or bad press in my Official DCS Public Forum on Wilders Security Forums."
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2005
  2. Magnus Mischel

    Magnus Mischel Security Expert

    Oct 24, 2002

    Absolutely delightful to see you too! If your business model isn't working for you then perhaps you need to change strategies somehow. All I can say is that it is indeed possible for a trojan scanner to be successful. I'm flattered that you still consider TrojanHunter, the 5-year old veteran, to be a newcomer. Might I suggest we take this conversation to email or PM so as to not hijack this thread?
  3. Antarctica

    Antarctica Registered Member

    Feb 25, 2003
    I think DCS as forgot one thing, the most important in your business
    ARE YOUR CUSTOMERS. Without them you are nothing! :cool:
  4. Kevin McAleavey

    Kevin McAleavey Security Expert

    Dec 8, 2003
    Upstate New York
    Singularly on the basis that MAGNUS has come out to play here on this thread, one that WAYNE and I can agree on without "interlopers", what Magnus offers and what BOCLEAN offers aren't the LEAST bit comparable. Except perhaps to people with expectations of "you scan for viruses, therefore you scan for trojans too. Nope. For those who actually BUY BOClean, it's ALL about "BOClean? Never heard of it." Our code is typically used, completely STEALTHED from the end user as well as the system as a "set it and forget it" solution for admins. There are now almost 3 million copies of BOClean out on various desktops, with no icon, no GUI, no signs of it even BEING there. THAT is what we do, and perhaps our customer's desire to be INVISIBLE has hurt our RETAIL sales since we're not popping up alert boxes faster than you can say "" :)

    Our success in the corporate world is comletely at odds with the expectations of the public, what we do is designed to be "invisible" to most. And being "invisible" is most definitely a "marketing disadvantage" but that's whta those who PAY the bills want. NO "advertising," just MAKE IT GO AWAY.

    ANyway, I'm sure I pithed off Magnus with my previous comment, can't wait to hear the sputtering. I know WAYNE got tired of it too. Magnus is the *ONLY ONE* who ... :(

    But if the public wants that, no problem ... in fact, let the "newcomers" have *ALL* the home market! WE don't care. BOClean was never designed for "home users" to begin with. :)
  5. Starrob

    Starrob Registered Member

    Apr 14, 2004
    Over the years, I have enjoyed all of the Ego-head butting that all of the AT developers enjoy doing occasionally to each other. I always love getting out my popcorn and watching the debates because sometimes I learn a few things.

    I will say this, however, all the Ego head butting is effectively cannabilizing the industry faster than it has to go.

    I personally don't feel there will be what we now call a AT in several years. Things are evolving. I think vendors that stay in the AT mindset are going to get bushwacked at some point in time.

    I say to all developers that you are going to have to innovate into survival. I mean truly innovate....not copy your rivals ideas and put out a copycat product.

    Now, I sit back....get my popcorn, wait until Wayne comes in and let the head-butting begin, if that is indeed what you developers want to do....cannabilize the few sales out there that are still left.


  6. Kevin McAleavey

    Kevin McAleavey Security Expert

    Dec 8, 2003
    Upstate New York
    Well, I sure hate to have to be the extender of "sour grapes," but HGOW disingenuous of you to make such a comment, PARTICULARLY in a thread where Unca Wayne has had to deal with you HOW many times? And so many "BOClean's people are BANKRUPT of morals?" Ummm ... no ... you see? Us antitrojan vendors (prior to YOU and Andreas) COOPERATED with each other, and SHARED with one another. Wasn't until you and Andreas came along as if WE owed you something with "give us your libraries of trojans to compete with you or we'll make it ugly." And you DID! :)

    But no ... if WAYNE wants to say something, this is HIS forum, and I'm SURE he has some things to say, as do I. Ya see? We STILL have all those emails in our backup tapes. But that matters not. *MY* point in backing up TDS (A "competitor of ours" if you didn't notice) is that WAYNE and I go bac to the days of YORE! Five years, heh. And no, for all of your pointing fingers at both Wayne and I, you are *NOT* getting slack here. Sorry. YOUR "scorched earth" behaviors are the reason why TDS3 died, and there will be no TDS4 and I'm certain that Unca Wayne will have comments. Like TH, HE also takes weekends off to let his folks have some PEACE. Not here though. :(

    Bottom line, you're in the wrong place with the wrong BS this time. Sorry bro - if you wanna go back to YOUR forums and complain about how "immoral" I am, please do so ... but YOU sir are the REASON for the death of TDS, and ALMOST our own ... "We'll NEVER charge subscriptions!" And THEN you raised your price. Actions speak louder than words. :(
  7. Magnus Mischel

    Magnus Mischel Security Expert

    Oct 24, 2002
    Well it certainly seems someone is in a good mood today :rolleyes: Kevin, I have nothing to prove to you, as you are probably well aware. Folks, please don't be too offended by Kevin's posts - I am sure that he is under a lot of stress at the moment. As for working weekends - well, I won't apologize for that. I just want what's best for my customers and my company.
  8. Triple Helix

    Triple Helix Specialist

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ontario, Canada
    Play nice!!


  9. Infinity

    Infinity Registered Member

    May 31, 2004
    it's not worth it and useless energy...

    but I cannot believe this **** .. someone wanted the last sentence to say ;)

    I wonder why that would be ... :p
  10. Triple Helix

    Triple Helix Specialist

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ontario, Canada
    So very true!!;)

  11. ....

    .... Guest

  12. Infinity

    Infinity Registered Member

    May 31, 2004
    edited: sorry... :mad:
  13. Don Miller

    Don Miller Guest

    Shock hardly describes this news. Can I rely on ProcessGuard and PortExplorer in the same way as I have relied on TDS?? Good grief!!

    NICK ADSL UK Administrator

    May 13, 2003
    Could we please stick with the main topic of the discontinuation of TDS please. Also can you please refrain from any personal comment's which distracts from this thread

    Thank you
  15. Notok

    Notok Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    Portland, OR (USA)
    Ok, that makes sense, I wasn't aware that BOClean was primarily made for corporate environments, although I did know that there was definitely that aspect to it. With TDS gone now, maybe it would be worth thinking about in one of the upcoming versions?

    For the record, though, I did buy BOClean (but have not bought TH), so I'm a little fuzzy on the distinctions you mention. I hope that the tension in your response was about TH, though, and not anything I said, as I meant it purely in optimistic support for you. I plan on working from home in the relatively near future and plan on buying a second copy for the work machine when I do. :)

    Edit: Sorry Nick, was typing when you posted that.. hopefully this isn't too far off topic, but will refrain from further discussion (on this subject) in this thread.
  16. n0mad

    n0mad Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2003
    Several months ago, I had my account on the TDS private forums revoked due to misconduct. I immediately emailed support and was told that someone from my isp's block of ip numbers were DDosing them and that it would be looked into. Eventually I got to reregister with them, the whole matter struck me as rather strange.

    On another note, I am one of the long term users who bought TDS3 and port Explorer. I offer no appologies for using the best proggies I could find to protect myself. I will offer my apologies to Wayne for not upping the $$$ for more support for TDS corporate.

    That said this whole ordeal strikes me as unreal, dont know weither to be upset or sad for Wayne and TDS. For the time being I will continue using Kasperski and looking at products that truly appreciate me as a consumer.

  17. Kevin McAleavey

    Kevin McAleavey Security Expert

    Dec 8, 2003
    Upstate New York
    Hate to give you a free "I told you so" card, but YOU TOLD tehm so, and *I* will back you up on that. Looks at what people are using for tools these days ("your system SHOULD be clean first") ... and while our buddy has sewed the seeds of doubts, "it won't help you if you're ALREADY INFECTED" ... (BULLSKIRT!) those who DON'T know the machinations fo malware don't KNOW it ain't bacon. :(

    YES ... "traditional anti-malware" is ALREADY dead! That's why 4.12 in OUR line of reality ... and the need hasn't QUITE flipped yet, but it's DAMNED close where there is NO hope for file scanners OR memory scanners ... if you don't stop it when it comes in, then you're not GOING TO. And once again, 'scanning" ain't the answer. Proprietaries require that I don't say much more.

    SO MANY "antimalwares" depend on MADSHI trojan codings (I won't name names) and they're ALREADY prevented from doing their thing as of SP2. And MADSHI ain't kept up, with what FEW bug fixes continuinig to crash and resulting in authors having to CATCH an exception before it's noticed with a "illagal function" banner in people's faces. DELPHI is the SECOND most used trojan factory there is, second ONLY to Visual Basic among the "script kiddies" and those "leet script kiddies" selling anti-malware such as IST, "SpywareNo" and others. ANSI C, anyone? *WITH* buffer overflow protection by NOT using Borland's "C" libraries to which all delphi code eventually resolves? :)

    Apologies for the cat-fights, but NOBODY was paying attention when all of this MATTERED. And when "Windows VISTA" is released ... hahahahahah. :(

    Sorry for the sour grapes here, but Unca Wayne's decision hurts US as well - we are close friends and so MUCH of what we BOTH did are no longer. I feel like my lifemate walked away, such was how Wayne, Gavin and the rest of us got along as "competitors" ... ALL of us were in the SAME "leaky boat" and the more eyes and ears to the bulkhead, the better everybody's (ESPECIALLY our mutual customers) chances were of survival. I personally lament the passing from a standpoint of Wayne and Gavin no LONGER doing what I do and it was just SO nice and SO much fun working with them for all these years.

    And ONCE again - for DCS's customers - I understand that these are trying times, but being FREED from the BS which has cost us a chitload of money, I am CERTAIN that Unca Wayne has some EVER so serious TREATS for those who DON'T "lose the faith" and give Unca Wayne a shot ... him, Gavin and everyone else are as HONEST as the day is long. REALLY! And if *I* was a "cut-throat competitor" like some of the "shareware kids" out there, this would be the PERFECT opportunity to beat up on him like I did to "Magnus."

    PLEASE cut Unca Wayne some slack - if you have our stuff, or NOT ... *I* can VOUCH for him as 100% "fair dinkum!" GIVE him the chance to work out what he'll DO for his customers! You *WON'T be disappointed, and PLEASE understand his OWN emotions about having to pull the ripcord on his OWN baby, and letting "dingos have a munch." I'll bet that he ONLY did it because he ABSOLUTELY had to, and the "cost" of all this will be something SO much better as to be COMPLETELY worth it.

    Wayne was a PERSONAL FRIEND ... CUT him a break and wait!

    Oh wait, he's a "competitor" ... I *should* be bashing him. NOT. He's my MATE after all these years and I can ONLY wish him well KNOWING how much he cares abotu those who pay HIS bills every bit as much as we care about those who pay OURS! :)

    CHEERS, Unca Wayne! Don't mind me or the others ... and I just KNOW you won't. :)
  18. Rainwalker

    Rainwalker Registered Member

    May 18, 2003
    Yeah, really!!! :( ...... MY LAST SENTENCE is.......... as end users do we really care ..........
  19. Dazed_and_Confused

    Dazed_and_Confused Registered Member

    Mar 4, 2004
    That's what I'm counting on! :D

    I don't know him as well as you obviously do, but my experience with all of the DCS team on this forum verifies that. ;)
  20. gre87y

    gre87y Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2004
    One word about this post
    " Class "
  21. Kevin McAleavey

    Kevin McAleavey Security Expert

    Dec 8, 2003
    Upstate New York
    Unca Wayne and I go back nearly ten years now as (ahem) "competitors" and he's ALWAYS earned my UTMOST respect. He made a NECESSARY decision in order to take care of anyone who's given HIM money over all these years, but I can assure you that he WILL "make it right." Us "old-timers" are throwbacks to the days when the people who gave us money under WHATEVER circumstances were the people we bent over backwards to make happy. No matter what it cost either of us to ensure so. And I *know* my faith in Wayne isn't misplaced nor should anyone else's ... dunno what the "outcome" of all this will be, that's up to Unca Wayne. But REST ASSURED, he'll *DO* "fair dinkum" whatever that might result in. That is WHY I've always had nothing but he greatest respect for him.

    I'm sure he'll be along soon after the machine crashes from all the email. But I can only say that y'all need to have a little more FAITH in Unca Wayne ... he AIN'T the "come lately pretender-hosers" ... he HAS morals ... you'll see! :)
  22. downthetubes

    downthetubes Guest

    Seems to me, that to offer any current TDS-3 customers, this new secret software that DCS is working on, for free, or at least at a heavily discounted price, would be the 'wisest' and most fair course of action for DCS to take at this time.
  23. PTSD69

    PTSD69 Registered Member

    Nov 16, 2004
    o_O This comes as real relief to my PTSD! ;) I thought the problem I was having was due to a trojan downloader - SystemSoapPro (soap.exe) which I found when I did a sweep with "Counter Spy." Incidently, I've tried alot of different scumware,spyware sw and "Counter Spy" is the Sheet!
    Prior to using this I had updated TDS and figured I'd sweep with it to see if this soap.exe trojan was more than just bubbles.
    Low and behold, I get an error msg " Component 'ntsvoc.ocx' or one of its dependencies (habit forming maybe?) could not be correctly registered: A file is missing or corrupted.
    I then went to your website and got this msg that TDS was no more and referred me here. I thought it was all part of the plot!!
    I want to thank you for answering all of the dumb questions that I asked of you all, and I'm very saddened to see you have to bow out. This is like the dream one has where everyone in the room is wearing clothes except the dreamer! But I really did depend on you guys because there's a few folks that downright don't like me :'( .
    Godspeed to all of you for the bang up job you provided us!!
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2005
  24. BlueZannetti

    BlueZannetti Registered Member

    Oct 19, 2003
    To all:

    I have removed two posts that are not relevant to the direct topic of this thread. If you cannot stay on the nominal topic here, and refrain from idle speculation, please take a breath and step back.

    That said, I do feel that the rather strong opinions being voiced by any past/current/or prospective customer is absolutely fine. This is feedback that the vendor absolutely needs to hear.

    As I note to the clients that my R&D group collaborate with, if you see a problem, tell me. The only problems that I can fix are the ones I know about. Sometimes it is difficult for the clients to see where I am coming from, many times I don't know where they're coming from, and decisions are made with incomplete appreciation of the global circumstances on all sides. Maybe we have some of that here, maybe not.

    I do know that I understand and largely agree with many of the sentiments being voiced in this thread. However, I would ask people to consider where they want to be down the road, what is their goal, then work towards that goal.

    My thanks to those who are trying to remain on topic and within the scope of decorum for the forum.

  25. Nitrox

    Nitrox Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    I think this is a very fair proposition considering most of us bought TDS-3 in the hope of seeing an upgrade to version 4 which we will not get now.
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