I've had it so long, I forget what my official forum name was for the official DiamondCS TDS forums. If I remember correctly, I was forced to use my real name. I don't even know if the forums still exist anymore. It's not practical for me to search this entire forum for my answer(I tried). Besides, there might be a few people that would otherwise miss this information. What did I get when I purchased the license, I mean, how long is it effective? Am I going to be eligible to get TDS-4 for free as I've read in some earlier posts? That doesn't seem right. While I really haven't required an anti-trojan suite of any type(maybe it's luck), I believe I have the absolute best protection available with DiamondCS's TDS. Are Radius updates free for life? No annual renewal? At what point do I have to throw more money down? Nothing I have read recently indicates that I will ever have to purchase an extenuation of my current license to receive updates. Please help clear my mind so that I can sleep better tonight. Thanks, Jim P.S. I'm truly sorry if this information is posted a few spots below this, but I am rather new to these forums and I have a new members perspective. And, if I can't find the information, perhaps there are a few more people that need to be reminded.
Updates are free. TDS-4 will be free to registered TDS-3 users. Don't go giving Wayne or Gavin ideas. The official forum is still alive and well.
Hi Jim, Welcome aboard! Yes Linney said the right things. If you click in the TDS-3 console under Help > Forum you would get to the login page; if your memory doesn't clear up with the right login name and password, please write to support@diamondcs.com.au for those parts with your registration name and email address. Hope it helps. Jim, you are right, something is not right in the pricing and there are many members who think a yearly amount would be far more reasonable. But you're free to buy future new tools, of course, quite a few in the build at the moment. For sure your creativity might find more ways in a good nights sleep
Thanks for the replies, you both confirmed my suspicions. I really don't have any questions that I would be required to visit the official forums for answers. I might as soon as TDS-4 is released. As it stands now, I just use it to perform full scans about once a month and for spot checks on some recently downloaded files. Just a personal home computer that only I have access to with nothing of importance stored on it. Thanks again, Jim
Glad to be of help! In the private forum will come a day when we all start beta testing after the initial testing and will get the last hot news, at least the time of release of new toys, among others TDS-4. I like the way how operators help each other out and at times contribute at nice scripts, settings and config with different windows versions etc. Recently i was reminded people who do think they have nothing important on their pc could think they're not interesting for intruders, but this is not true: they want your connection and bandwidth and might try using you as a router, proxy, whatever. I know, we've the firewalls to prevent that and TDs listening on the ports and a lot more, including the many system scans and tools to be sure on a daily basis we are still clean from all the nasties. I would not like to be without the exec protection a single moment, etc. For me TDS is central on my system, certainly with al the scripts and more possibilities from that.
I do monitor system performance very, very closely. I use various means to determine my system specs. If something is not kosher, I'll begin a thorough investigation, of which a TDS scan will sometimes be implemented. Both my modem activity light and hard drives activity lights are in plain view. I know exactly how many and what processes are running on my system and can verify this with a simple double click of my mouse. I can inspect packets being sent to and from my computer and generally understand the protocols that my system uses. My upload speed is fast, but not crippling so at just 384k. My email client can only read plain text and I can change my email addresses on a whim. I'm constantly reinstalling my OS for various reasons, usually tests that go horribly wrong. I have multiple static IP's and I can have up to 4 systems online at any given time. More if I use a *nix and no monitor and keyboard. I can test for vulnerabilities with my systems by scanning myself or hacking my own boxes from one of my computers to my Redback router and back. It's a fun set-up. I have the liberty to read stuff, and then attempt to implement it. Recently I crashed my Windows system hard while playing around with the infamous Lexmark printer drivers. I eventually blew my registry to bits and decided it would just be better to go ahead and reformat and reinstall on this computer. Unfortunately, what I am trying to do will not work on a WinNT/2000/XP system, but it might on ME. And I think ME has a go back function, which would have been wonderful to have before I broke W98SE. I'm baby stepping now and saving critical data before I make great leaps with regards to my testing. It's safe to say that I am not a typical TDS-3 operator. While I think the product is the absolute best, I don't use it like some others do. I know for certain that it can catch everything I've thrown at it with exec. prot. enabled on an otherwise open system. But I also know that I don't require exec. prot. to feel secure. Whether or not I actually am is debatable, but as long as I feel secure, what does it matter. I'll more than likely destroy my system before anyone else has a chance to do it.