TDS 3 download ?

Discussion in 'Trojan Defence Suite' started by motdaugrnds, Jan 13, 2003.

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  1. motdaugrnds

    motdaugrnds Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Hello, I was updating TDS-3 and typed in the URL given in the program of

    The download started immediately and took about 5 minutes. When it arrived, it was not the zipped "update.cfg" file I needed for updating. Instead, it was not a zip at all, but a file called "radius.td3"

    Can someone please explain this to me and tell me how I should now get the updates?
  2. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Hi motdaugrnds,

    Quote from

    Unregistered users - Latest Radius Database - updated daily. Download this file to the TDS folder overwriting the older file. Close and restart TDS for changes to take effect. Please do not use Netscape as this will not download the file correctly.

    End quote

    So all you have to do now is replace the old radius.td3 file with the new one.


  3. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    The radius is the database, you use for scanning and detection of the trojans and worms, keyloggers and whatever more doesn't belong on a healthy system :)
    The update.cfg is the file above hyperlinked in which various downloadmirrors for the radius update are configured, which are used when you (in registered version) press the
    TDS > Update TDS databases now!! menu uption in stead of grabbing them manually from the site.
    Hope this helps.
  4. motdaugrnds

    motdaugrnds Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Thank you both for responding.
    I am definitely confused. I thought all I needed was to download the new "update.cfg" file and place it in my TDS-3 directory where it overwrites the old one.

    Now I am hearing from you two that I need the "radius.td3" file as well.

    These seem to be two different files to be updated. I apparently get the "radius.td3" at /

    Then I go and get the "update.cfg" file at /

    Is this correct?
  5. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    No, the update.cfg is for registered users who update via the TDS console; trial versions can't update that way.
    The registered users download the update.cfg once in a while as there might come new update sites or another preferred order of the mirrors might be in them.
    Till registered only need to grab the radius file, just download it and put it without installing or anything just put it in the TDS-3 directory replacing the former radius that way, reload or start TDS so the file is loaded as you will see in the console in all the upstart messages.
    Registered users can also in the configuration check the "auto-update" so the radius would be updated once a week for people who would have forgotten. It does not get much chance on my system as i update daily with the button click :)
  6. motdaugrnds

    motdaugrnds Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Thank you.

    This is very clear to me now. As a non-registered user for the moment, I need only update the radius.td3

    Once registered, I can either click to update the "update.cfg" or configure it to automatically download.

    Thank you
  7. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    How many more days to go for your evaluation version?
    You might know registering does not need new downloads or installs for TDS and WG, only PE needs a new download and install. Once you're that far we can help you with the keyfiles etc.
    Can imagine the TDS is somewhat confusing, with all those tools and possibilities; WG and PE are lots easier to go through!

    Did you manage to play some of the scripts in the meantime too, maybe with msagents like the Innerpeace script?
    As you liked scripting them with MASH, i am really looking forward to work on SS3 scripts for TDS to enjoy ourselves and the TDS family :)
  8. motdaugrnds

    motdaugrnds Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    I want so badly to play with msagent; however, I am having problems getting it to work. Since I have Windows ME, I understand the basic components of Microsoft Agent came with ME. I did a search and found:

    a. Lernout & Houspie Tru Voice Amnerican English TTS Engine
    b. Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine
    c. Installed the Microsoft Speech Cntrol panel ("spchcpl.exe" as a download.
    d. Characters: James, Wartnose, Totem, Joe, Oscar, Peedy, Robby, Charlie, Hanz, Sharky, Gourdy, Merlin, Milton, Wizard
    e. MS agent Character Editor (downloaded as "ace.exe")

    I understand other components that work with MSagent came with MSOffice 2000, which are (a) Visual Basic Editor and (b) Microsoft Script Editor.

    I also checked for (a) Regsvr32.exe, (b)MSvcrt.DLL AND (c) OLEDLLs

    Still, I cannot find a way to access this program. What do I double click or pull up with? Why isn't it in my START > Programs?

    All still not understood by me.
  9. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Hi motdaugrnds,

    Does Peedy work for you here: ?


  10. motdaugrnds

    motdaugrnds Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002

    If by "work" you mean I can "try out", which pulled up another page wherein I could type a message for Peedy to speak, yes.

    I did type in a message and Peedy repeated that message.
  11. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Hi motdaugrnds,

    In that case you should be able to start every script under 5kb (trial version) using SS3 in the TDS Taskbar and then clicking Run Script and choosing one from the scripts offered there.


    Does "Innerpeace" work in the trial version? Or is it too big.
    It works for me now BTW :D


  12. Pilli

    Pilli Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hampshire UK
    Did you try all the tests in TDS 3? - Configuration - Speech Synthesis - Voice. Start at the beginning press test then move through the tests (21 in all) until one or more work, leave on the test number that works & save - Now in the panel at the bottom of the TDS3 window type,

    speak "hello TDS3 at your service!"

    Then press return TDS3 should speak to you

    HTH Alan M
  13. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    yup joosky tought me the voice thinghy it was cool even wrote me a cool blazey script lol shes great

    its kinda hightech stuff joosky the expert with that stuff i think she knows how to run ms agents with her tds and if you have xp it would be cool to see the dogy say tds stuff
  14. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    The agent server is just a server to call the msagent character to play a script we designed.
    Like you have a stove in the kitchen but if you don't put food in the pan and don't light the fire it will not prepare your meal.
    There is a script needed to play, a program.
    Like i do the little fun scripts with the msagents, look in the innerpeace script (yes it plays smoothly in the trial version,. think it is 3k), drag it to a notepad and look how simple it's been made:
    It has a form and a button; normally there is a "welcome" wave playing and an image on the form (the DCS logo) and at press of the button the Genie jumps up with his story.
    The same script basics are used with another script form which was posted in several newsgroups, kind of VBS-like scripting language, not sure which exactly, using two agents interacting very nice.
    Mot, you were used to play with MASH, and MASH is your scripting editor, one of several possibilities to create scripts for an agent:
    you call the agent and in your script tell it what to do, how to move, what to speak, sing, dance, open programs for you, read texts, open email, tell you the time, jump to this forum, all speech controlled.
    If you look in the MS test pages, i really love the samples with Peedy Pizza Ordering system.
    Those pages are made to help the users: if you open the source of them you see the lot of explanation they give about the script and how to's and why, so you can save them for "homestudy" and try what is possible to include in an own script or a html page on your desktop or a script in Outlook Express. For all those places you don't need TDS.
    TDS keeps it simple in it's possibilities.
    If you have TDS registered and you can play larger scripts, you could see how i mixed those script possibilities in the "CokeMachine": a form with buttons, calling wave and midi files and the Genie scripted in TDS but with other functions replacing him by an EXE with more possibilities as a real desktophelper (ok and a jokemachine) and voice controlled using the restrictions in the MSagent functional, etc.
    With your MASH editor among others making a HTML page and you can edit once you have the basics and create a whole movie there (some people made wonderful theater pieces with that, amazing!)
    The ACE editor is to design and create your own character.
    LISET is to create your own speech engine.
    If you grab the various language TTS engines you also need in the first part to grab the same languages core elements, those 128k files to have the msagent.exe recognize and use those other language engines.
    So much to tell about the agents; there are whole newsgroups about them, people help with the various windows versions and scripting solutions, etc.
    Anyway, also in TDS you can call an agent to appear, move and speak and disappear , include a form with images and buttons to other actions or calling more agents on screen, whatever you like.

    Hihi Blaze, still like to play with the Blaze script? :)
    you might like to add buttons and some parts from the "Forums.ss3" script (i posted in the private forum) to jump with a buttonclick to this or the private forum :p
  15. motdaugrnds

    motdaugrnds Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Hello, Oh my, this sounds like such fun. Unfortunately I just lost my speakers. Cannot afford to replace them as yet. So, I will have to put this wonderful project on hold awhile.
  16. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Don't you hear the TDS voice either, wishing you hello and good night and begging for bits of your lunch and telling not to eat your keyboard?
    And Peedy on the testpages, did you only see the speechballoons and not hear his funny voice?
    Time to look for speakers indeed, maybe there are in recycle shops or second hand; i've been told here you can find wonderful things there at times for your computer.
  17. motdaugrnds

    motdaugrnds Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    You're right, Jooske......time to look for speakers......
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