TDS-3 as a Win2K Service ?

Discussion in 'Trojan Defence Suite' started by Nick Pitfield, Feb 13, 2002.

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  1. Greetings,

    I recently upgraded my PC from Win98Se to Win2K (+SP2).

    Under Win98SE, TDS-3 ran with no problems.

    Under Win2K, we have real users and permissions (a good thing). Logged in as Administrator it runs fine with Execution Protection installed. Logged in as a PowerUser it mostly runs fine, claims to install Execution Protection, but also throws an error window - seems something is not being moved or copied due to permissions.

    Initially I tried (temporarily) giving PowerUsers full control over my TDS-3 directory (and lower) and the \WINNT\inf directory (and lower) - same problem.

    I assume then that I need to instead run TDS-3 as a Service. I know how to do this (using Instsrv.exe & Srvany.exe etc) but wonder if anybody has already done this or has any advice on this ?

    BTW I assume TDS-4 will run this way anyway as it will be Win2L-savvy ?


  2. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    As far as I understood, TDS-4 will run as a service on W2000.
  3. I use TDS 3 on a laptop with different OS's, it runs fine on Win2K and XP. Everythings going and it is definitely faster on XP.

    UNICRON Technical Expert

    Feb 14, 2002
    Nanaimo BC Canada
    Nick, I have toyed with TDS-3 as a service under Win2K for some time, here is my report:

    1) Before we start TDS-4 should fully support running as a service  as best I know.

    2) I have used to set it up. (way easier than srvany.exe trust me! GUI and free.)

    3)I found that to truly have it only run once with more than one user logged in, I had to turn off interactivity :( , and to have interactivity, It hated running twice at once (simply put, it would complain about the keyfile being currupt, but it was probably just locked by the first instance of TDS-3) I know this is not your issue, but it is interesting from a service point of view.

    4)Administrator privileges seemed neccessary to run it properly by a user but running it under a system account fixed that (even if not as a service). This is probably your best bet to fix the issue you have. Much info on this topic is available on the net.

    Conclusion: Wait for TDS-4  and things should be fine. The development team is doing great work, shouldn't be too long. It is not worth the time to fight with it until then. Do try out though.
  5. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hey Allan,

    Welcome aboard!
    Very nice you visited us!

    Cheers, Jan.
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