TCO services

Discussion in 'privacy problems' started by crykid, Jun 5, 2012.

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  1. crykid

    crykid Registered Member

    Mar 31, 2012
    So today i decided to monitor my traffic with wireshark, i made sure i didnt browse the internet and i kept wireshark running for about 30 minutes with my 3g dongle connected. And i came across some connections that were unfamiliar to me.

    tcoaddressbook -port 1977 to port 53
    tcoflashagent, -port 1975 to port 53
    tcoregagent -port 1976 to port 80

    I searched the internet hoping to find info regarding these entries and i couldnt find many. I found a website which i believe to be owned by the company that is responsible.

    And this

    Apparently this software is responsible for these connections, but im sure i never installed such software. Im using xp sp2 and perhaps it was enabled by default? Do you think this software pose any kind of security risk? Thank you.
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