Taskmanager ID not found...

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by HandsOff, Nov 22, 2005.

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  1. HandsOff

    HandsOff Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2003
    Bay Area, California

    I actually use DCS Taskman.exe instead of the less usefull built in task manager in XP. I think I get the message whichever one I use. slightly hard to check because I guess it only happens the first time TM is envoked per session.

    Question: Is this just one more little quirk of windows, or is this a subtle sign that something evil this way comes?

    To tip the scales in favor of suspicion, the error message always seems to be buried behind other windows, or not generated until I close Task Man/ager. That seems odd behavior for a warning message. Or it could be just another quirk of windows that I should be used to by now?


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  2. dog

    dog Guest

    Hi Handsoff;

    I haven't really ever used Taskman+, but I did look at it some time ago. If I remember correctly taskman+ basically either launches the default task manager or uses a running instance of it and increases the token privileges of Task Manager to allow it to kill anything.

    So going by my memory and your hint above; it looks like it can't launch the Task Manager have you ever set something like Sysinternals Process Explorer or ghostsecurity's ProcX to be the default? If you launch Task Manager prior to running Taskman+ does it find the process id without generating that error?

  3. HandsOff

    HandsOff Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2003
    Bay Area, California
    Stupidity - How did you realize that was the problem.

    I meant to say that the task man/ager both work fine. I just don't particularly care for the stupid error message.

    That's right! The error is the error message. Don't you see how serious that could be? If xp ever finds out that it errs when it makes the error message I will have an infinite loop and a useless computer.

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