Symantec Client Firewall X Zonealarm X Outpost, Which one is the best ?

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by suruba, Nov 26, 2005.

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  1. suruba

    suruba Registered Member

    Nov 26, 2005
    Symantec Client Firewall X Zonealarm X Outpost Which one is the best ?
    I was using Zonealarm, but i was told that Symantec Client Firewall, was the best firewall and it could block the scan of gfi lanquard.
    What iam trying to ask is... What is the best Firewall to USE...
    If it is none of thease 3 firewalls you can post your opinion here and why too..
  2. TraCKs

    TraCKs Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    My favorite firewall is zonealarm mainly because i love the color. I think a lot of ppl under estimate the importance color.:rolleyes:
  3. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    My favorite firewall is also Zonealarm, because it has the color of straw.
    ZoneAlarm is simple and simplicity is always brilliant.

    If I was as smart as member Paranoid2000, I would use Outpost.

    Never heard of Symantec Client Firewall, but I'm not a big fan of Symantec.

    I concur.
  4. nod32.9

    nod32.9 Guest

    Still using ZA 4.5.594.000.
  5. lookcity

    lookcity Registered Member

    Oct 22, 2005
    ZA is only a firewall with the best color ?:D
    My choice is OP among the three above.
  6. When I first used Outpost I found it hard to understand and configure. But after 30 days or so I really think it's one of the easiest firewalls to configure. People gotta give time to understand and configure something that's new .By the way I'm a former Zone Alarm user.
  7. unhappy_viewer

    unhappy_viewer Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    I think you will find that ZA is the best in the market. Everyone here certainly agrees that Symantec's firewall is not really good. Outpost will probably run second to ZA now that Sygate and Kerio are no longer in the picture but in my opinion, its still a long way of from the protection ZA provides.

    Plus ZL still offers people a free version of their firewall with the latest firewall engine (there is no difference in the engines used by the paid version and free version). Agnitum gives people a free firewall but it uses an engine that is 2 versions back. In firewall security, its important to have up-to-date engines to keep people's computer secure. This shows that ZL is still pretty dedicated to ensuring computer user's safety.
  8. fax

    fax Registered Member

    May 30, 2005
    Excluding Norton both ZA and OF are strong firewalls.
    ZA has nicer colour :p its easier to use but sometime is a sort of 'push and pray' that everything works as it should. :D

    Outpost is push, learn how to configure it and don't mess up with rules... but once you got it up and running you will have an in-depth understanding and control on how your PC is communicating with the outside world....

    Which one to choose? The only way is to try them...;)
  9. suruba

    suruba Registered Member

    Nov 26, 2005
    hummm.. thanks, i heard of BlackICE Firewall is it good ?
  10. ejr

    ejr Registered Member

    Nov 19, 2005
    I think you need to define "best firewall". Are you talking about the Firewall that is most secure? Easiest to use? Uses least system resources? Combination of factors?

    I have limited experience with 4 Firewalls.

    1. Norton Internet Security
    2. PC Cillin Internet Security
    3. Outpost Pro
    4. Zone Alram Free

    I use Zone Alarm Free because it satisfies my requirements for what I want a Firewall to do and is very easy to install and use.

    NOTE: I am relatively ignorant when it comes to computers. I have a feeling that if I was a Computer Guru I would either use Outpost Pro or Zone Alarm Pro.
  11. fax

    fax Registered Member

    May 30, 2005
    I personally don't really trust them due to their problems with 'fake detection' of leak tests... but they may have change their security policy lately.

    :D :D
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