SygatePRO or Outpost 2?

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by testg, May 29, 2003.

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  1. testg

    testg Guest

    Which one would you choose? Sygate Pro or Outpost 2 firewall? How are they in terms of performance? ala resource usage, networking slowdown, cpu usage etc? How are they in terms of security?

  2. hayc59

    hayc59 Guest

    they are both very good firewall's!
    i am a little biased and i would go with OutPost
    i am using it and also beta testing V2
    i like it a lot.. does real good.
    i am using windows 98se and it passes all the leak test
    i have thrown at it. give it a try and stop on over at the forum if you have any more question
    Download/More Info----
  3. testg

    testg Guest

    I've heard well actually read... that outpost 2 is quite a resource/memory hog, is that true? Also when compared to Sygate Pro memory/resources.
  4. hayc59

    hayc59 Guest

    testg i am not having any resource problems
    i can refer you to this thread here on the resource question

    and stop by the forum at Outpost if you feel like for more question... :D
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