Which one would you choose? Sygate Pro or Outpost 2 firewall? How are they in terms of performance? ala resource usage, networking slowdown, cpu usage etc? How are they in terms of security? Thanks
they are both very good firewall's! i am a little biased and i would go with OutPost i am using it and also beta testing V2 i like it a lot.. does real good. i am using windows 98se and it passes all the leak test i have thrown at it. give it a try and stop on over at the forum if you have any more question Download/More Info---- http://www.agnitum.com/products/outpost/ Forum----- http://www.outpostfirewall.com/forum/index.php?s=
I've heard well actually read... that outpost 2 is quite a resource/memory hog, is that true? Also when compared to Sygate Pro memory/resources.
testg i am not having any resource problems i can refer you to this thread here on the resource question http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=9533 and stop by the forum at Outpost if you feel like for more question...