Switching to Avast! antivirus? maybe?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Comp01, Sep 8, 2003.

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  1. Comp01

    Comp01 Registered Member

    Sep 4, 2003
    Well, Since AVG is now glitched, cant get it updated for one, and all kinds of new stuff connecting to the net with AVG, I wanna switch to another free antivirus, how is Avast? I've liked AVG for the 1 year and months I've used it, now its just, glitched, so I dunno what to do, keep what I have and ait for it to be fixed, or switch to avast? :doubt:
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Many people say Avast is better than AVG, you'll see posts like that in various security forums. However, let me just add a little warning. If you look through this forum section you'll find all kinds of glitches related to every AV product involving temporary update problems, downloaded component updates and problems with web-based facilities. I've seen complaints about KAV, NAV, NOD32, etc. - all temporary glitches that usually end up resolved fairly quickly.

    Switch if you want, of course, and I believe from the discussions I've seen that you can't go wrong if you go with Avast, it's a good solid free AV product, but don't expect to not have glitches, at least occasionally, even if this one with AVG was the first one you ever experienced, trust me, they happen.
  3. Comp01

    Comp01 Registered Member

    Sep 4, 2003
    I actually like AVG, alot, its the fact on when they are going to fix this problem, and since they offer NO email/technical support for the free version (besides the online FAQ) I just dont know... and leaving it run with out of date refrence file kinda uh, sucks?
  4. meneer

    meneer Registered Member

    Nov 27, 2002
    The Netherlands
    Just try Avast. I don't know if it's better than AVG (although tests by virusbtn suggest better performance in that area).
    If you're on a dial in connection, you'll be amazed at the speed of the signature update downloads.
    They have a nice forum too. I did get some support, even thought I too am using their free home version.
  5. Comp01

    Comp01 Registered Member

    Sep 4, 2003
    OK, Well, I'm downloading Avast right now, one question, can I keep AVG installed? and just not let it boot up with the computer, or should I uninstall AVG?
  6. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Many people successfully use AVG with other AVs on their system. What you should do is fully disable the resident protection and save that as the default setting.

    In AVG Control Center window, Resident Shield tab, check the lowest box (to disable the resident protection) and hit the "Save Parameters as new default" button, then OK. This will deactivate AVG's resident capability. The icon in the systray should turn gray. You should still be able to run the on-demand scanner when you want.

    Attached Files:

  7. Comp01

    Comp01 Registered Member

    Sep 4, 2003
    Thanks for all the help (Sure I'm starting to bug people now heh) I'll try to run AVG and Avast at the same time, if my comp allows it (Its not the greatest in the world)
  8. Comp01

    Comp01 Registered Member

    Sep 4, 2003
    I did it, it worked, but..... I didnt really like Avast, so I uninstalled it, and used my registry cleaner tool and removed the left over registry entries, and I'll just keep AVG, I'm sure grisoft will fix the problem within a few days..
  9. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
    Comp01 you could always try out e Trust v7 promo (free lifetime liscence) which has both Vet and inoculate scanners . https://www3.ca.com/Register/myCALogin.asp?url=%2fRegister%2fForm.aspx%3fcid%3d41870
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