Swiss or Russian Kaspersky AV?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by swisscoms, Mar 26, 2002.

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  1. swisscoms

    swisscoms Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2002
    Sion, VS. Switzerland
    Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone has tried the Swiss vs. Russian versions of Kaspersky,s AV Programme? I am using the Swiss 3.5.133 version at present and it seems to take a small footprint, and is very low on resources for Ram. It certainly seems able to detect the "Nasties" out there as well as the Russian version. I really like the Russian versions too, but they do seem to be larger Apps alltogether. Thoughts anyone? Thanks to all, Peter.
  2. wizard

    wizard Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Europe - Germany - Duesseldorf
    Swiss and russian version are the same. The Swiss site is still selling the 'old' version 3.5. Between the 'new' KAV 4.0 and the 'old' 3.5 is no difference in the detection rate.

  3. borago

    borago Guest

    I have to agree with you swisscoms!  I am running the same Swiss AVP as you, having previously run the KAV (Russian) version (3.5) there was/is a definite footprint difference here and the AVP version seems more stable and easier to use.  It also appears more capable of detection, which does seem odd given they are supposedly the same 'engine' for example the 'fake' scripts I took delivery of from were found and blocked by AVP but not by KAV!
  4. Alan

    Alan Guest

    HI all, I`ve been to the Russian and the Swiss site and there seems to be a difference.
    Russian site offers:
    KAV Personal 49.95  1 yr.
    Personal Pro  99.95  1 yr.
    version 3.5 and 4.0

    Swiss site offers:
    AVP Gold (Key Only) 49.95  2 yrs.
    Kas,Antivirus Personal Pro(Key Only) 44.95 1 yr.
    Version 3.0.132 , 3.5 and 4.0

    Would anyone know what is going on here..
    $5 difference and Key only packages, 1 and 2 yr. licenses. I couldn`t find a full d/l here.. Maybe I missed it.  If anyone can explain any of this I sure would appreciate it. Possibly I missed something..
    Thanks, Alan
  5. wizard

    wizard Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Europe - Germany - Duesseldorf
    Hi Alan,

    the Swiss site is different company than Kaspersky Russia. They are a distribution site (or better a reseller) of KAV. And also for NOD32. ;) Therefor they can decide their own prices. Also the Swiss site is still selling 'old' versions of KAV (AVP).

    The difference between the 'old' and the 'new' versions are mostly feature related. So AVP 3.0 will catch all the viruses that KAV 4.0 will.

    With the release of KAV 3.6 Kaspersky changed there product line. Till KAV 3.6 there was a Gold version and a Platinum version. The difference between both is that the Plantinum version can also scan in networks. Also there was a two year licence available.

    From version 3.6 Kaspersky changed that. From now only one year licences. The 'Gold version' is now called KAV Personal. The 'Platinum version' was dropped and a new product was introduced: KAV Personal Pro. The difference between KAV Personal and the Pro version is that the Pro version has two more tools.

    The swiss site is a little bit cheaper than the russian site. The actual prices are:
    KAV Personal US $ 44,95
    KAV Personal Pro US $89,95

    When you buy a Kaspersky Anti Virus it does not matter where you download updates/program versions from. After buying you will get a keyfile which allows you to change any trial version into a full functional version.

    With that key you can use KAV 4 Personal, KAV 3.5 Gold or KAV Personal 3.6 as you like.

  6. Alan

    Alan Guest

    Thanks Wizard for clearing that up. A very good explanation of the differences between the two sites.I`m sure there are others that will also benefit from that..
  7. swisscoms

    swisscoms Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2002
    Sion, VS. Switzerland
    Thank you Wizard and Borago for you replies. I am really happy with the older version for my needs, mainly as it is so light on the RAM. It certainly does not look to fancy Faceplate wise, but seems to catch all the bugs and lots of Trojans out there. It is a little cheaper too. I was reading on the Swiss site that this version will be dropped soon though, in lieu of Version 4. I am sure the updates will work fine though. Regards, Peter.
  8. wizard

    wizard Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Europe - Germany - Duesseldorf
    Users who bought KAV (AVP) 3.5 can switch any time to KAV 4 Personal for free. But as KAV 4 uses still the same updates (signatures) as KAV 3.5 there would be always signature updates available even when the Swiss site decides to drop KAV 3.5. :)

  9. Tinribs

    Tinribs Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2002
    I had a problem when using KAV,I purchased KAV Gold,on installing I pointed it to the key and all was ok,but when right clicking the Monitor icon i had no option to disable? Only (forgive my memory) the middle of three options was available.
    This,on further investigation seemed to point to me using a 'cracked' key!!! Several emails to Kaspersky resulted in the usual uninstal/instal and reg cleaning (which I had already tried)
    In the end after 4 ignored emails I demanded my money back and 2 months later I finally recieved recompense.

    Any ideas as to what was wrong?
    ps I had not previously trialled any Kaspersky products
  10. wizard

    wizard Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Europe - Germany - Duesseldorf
    Hi Tinribs,

    did you also install the KAV Control Center? When you install the Control Center you need to use it to change the settings in the monitor or install it without Control Center and put the KAV monitor into the autostart menu.

  11. Tinribs

    Tinribs Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2002
    I did install the cc yes,I must point out I'm no neophyte in the ways of pc's,having built them for the last 7 years.
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