Suspicious attempts to connect

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by Richard01, Dec 1, 2019.

  1. Richard01

    Richard01 Registered Member

    Nov 30, 2019
    Hey ! Sorry if I post this at a wrong topic, I just joined.
    I am using mcafee, both on my computers, and I noticed that I have "suspicious incoming connections" blocked such as ANS communications,Akamai technologies,Google LLC, DigitalOcean,InstartLogic,CloudFlare,and some random ip's from the other half of the planet (Texas, Netherlands etc.),also some IPv6 adresses, which I can't even check,and a bunch of private adresses which are trying to access my TCP/UDP ports. It says that these private IPs' source is my own DNS server. I also have some IPs which are pointing towards some kind of internet access points (idk their name), they are providing internet, and they owed by Internet providers (TELEKOM). Should I be worried, or this is normal? Most of them are linked to big companies, so I think it's their tracking cookies, so they see the consumers interests, thus they can use it for their marketing. I am more worried about those private IPs within my local network with the source of my own DNS-DHCP provider. I'll write some ports that these tried to access (in case if someone would recognize them):
    UDP-63764. 64138, 59672, 58952, 62037,59566, 50463, 55884, 52370, 50476, 59438
    UDP- 8999, 1900, 5355(by the random ipv6 adress),
    TCP-52404, 52397, 52398, 51922, 51213, 51514, 53409, 50356
    Some big UDP- packages to analyze my system (according to Mcafee)
    Thank you for reading this far, and I would appreciate any kinf of help.
  2. imdb

    imdb Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    i don't think there's anything suspicious about those connections. could be a sw phoning home or updating its db or sending telemetery/feedback. some of those names belong to cdn's.
    you can use tcpview by sysinternals and wireshark to analyze those connections. i don't think you should be worried though.
  3. RioHN

    RioHN Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2017
    I think this may be poorly worded by mcafee and should read "suspicious incoming packets". They're likely a result of connections initiated internally from installed applications:

    Some simple to use nirsoft tools which might help alongside imdb's suggestions:

    Matching traffic to an application:

    TCP only connection logging with hostname:

    DNS logging:

    TCPView alternative. Has hostname and IP visible at the same time:
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