Sun java destroyed my sound

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Jooske, Dec 14, 2005.

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  1. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    As i saw people in trouble with installing this sun java i held back, till today i was forced to install it at
    To my horror since i have no sound on my system anymore. (the win98SE).
    Even after countless reboots and disabling the sun java in IE and activating the microsoft VM in stead and opposite, many reboots no sound.
    The only thing i can play is a few midi files, all the rest not, no speech, not even the windows reboot sound, not from files on my system, not from CDs, not from internet. This is absolutely horrible.

    Looked at the installed devices, no ! marks, checked every sound device and system and all installed codecs, all said to be active everywhere on this system for every application using them,
    when playing music seldom an error message, i see in WMP or WinAmp the line during playing advancing but i hear nothing. Not even with switching the sound to max.
    Also i looked in the volume in systray, all up to the max now, nothing disabled.

    I found back an install file for the older Microsoft VirtualMachine - did not help either,
    i installed all the older and newer WMP codecs, now i'm really out of imagination what more to do.
    Even reinstalling the onboard SB16 (i think it was) codecs and whatever i found about them didn't help.
    Think some important drivers have been overwritten but which and why do some midi files still play one whichever of the devices (not sure which sound system is used for that).

    Any more ideas?

    On the XP home system i'm not sure which java VM is installed! As i don't see the java cup of coffee icon in the control panel nor in the IE advanced options i guess i whould still have the original MS VM there and all sound!
  2. Global Force

    Global Force Guest

    Hi Jooske!

    Check for Java, runbox - jpicpl32.cpl or program files\common files to see which. Maybe you can run a date search
    for *.sys in your windows folder for any new files you suspect. Will look around and get back. ;)

  3. snowie

    snowie Guest

    Why not just uninstall Sun Java an thus verify that its the cause of the problem ? You can always re-installed it again.

    Tryed duplicating your sound issue but was not able to do do.
    Install two seperate versions of sun java (at seperate times, of course) on win98se.......the sound remained working.
    Your XP should have the newest sun java......

    With your experience you no doubt have already thought of un-installing sun this post is just to let you know that your sound issue is not happening with every win98se.........two of my test machines worked fine after installing sun java........(p.s. I am not a sun java fan so removed it already)
  4. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    With Win98 you could also restore the registry to a backup that was before the Java install.

    Reboot the computer and as the computer is booting, press the F8 key when you hear a beep or when you see "Starting Windows 98". You should then be presented with a Win98 startup menu. You then select Command prompt only. Then at the command prompt type scanreg /restore. Pick a .cab file that is a day prior to the Java install.
  5. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Will try that registry back when i'm back later today.
    I could not find how / where to uninstall this java, i don't recognise it by any name in the software add/remove. Sun java virtual machine, none of those terms there.

    Guess some driver(s) has been overwritten and is not compatible with this new java.
    The stunning part with only some midi-files can be played is extra suspicious thinking in this way.
    So hoped with trying to reinstall an older Windows VM to have back what there should be but not yet.

    So the registry restore is the first hope.
  6. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Ok. i restored sunday's registry version, which gave back the windows reboot music and still only midi playing.
    Not yet the other kinds like au, wav, mp3.

    I do see the sun java plugins in the add/remove and in the control panel, but not the sun java program itself; i do see for the java plugins and the java program (?) itself icon's there, but i can only open the plugin's con'soles, not for the java perogram itself -- error message it is missing the regkey for that.
    Could have been overwritten / deleted when i tried to install back my original Windows VM or with this system/registry restore.

    I looked in the control panel for detecting new hardware, which was only an old modem which i cancelled, and manually i went into the sound parts detection and did not see anything i did not see yesterday and i tried them all yesterday.

    I do have the MB cd-rom - could it be possible to find there drivers for the onboard sound system which might have been overwritten yesterday?
    I do remember i ever updated the sound system with newer drivers but which....?

    What could be logical next steps:
    a) trying to find the java somewhere to uninstall it
    program + plugins
    b) trying to find the sound drivers on the MB cd-rom
    c) something better?

    I was happy too soon as after the next reboot after that setting back an older registry all sound has gone again. and a next try to set back older scanreg was not possible i got the message.

    I uninstalled all java i saw.
    In the windows dir is now one empty Sun directory, but in the program files even though i uninstalled all java stuff via add/remove is still the complete java directory and seeing the codes inside it is the sun java.
    Seeing several dll and cfg things having to do with sound, not sure if i should bedete that whole directory. Files i recognised as having to do with sound i put and extra .old behind hoping to disable them, but no positive results of that action either.
    There is no backup folder in these java folders, so i am not sure if it was all just a configuration or files have been overwritten.
    After this i ran another time the windows VM, but still no luck in having back any sound.
    In IE advanced i see only the windows VM so i should have back a normal one but .....
    it's so annoying seeing the msagents speech balloons and hear nothing.
    Of course i reinstalled all the speech items and runtimes, lloked in the settings for the speech engines (control pane) i do see in WMP and WinAmp the advancing button and not any error message, so all should be fine, i hear after reboot the sound boxes connected but no other sound then the basic connection sound.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2005
  7. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Back more or less with sound.

    Windows update site (again because of going back to older registry version)
    and after that got the latest DirectX again and tested it.
    Due to all the testing i seem to have configured some things back working.
    First music was Dan's mp3 his own written En la plaza de Espana which is wonderfull as a first try and test and being happy to hear that playing again!

    Even after reinstalling the speech recognition and runtimes that interactive part doesn't work properly yet. But the main part hearing all kinds of sound is great!

    No more Sun java here on this system for as long as i can avoid it!

    Thanks everybody for all thinking and tips.
  8. Snowie

    Snowie Guest

    Glad to see you now have sound.

    Do check out:

    c:/windows/application data

    to see if there is any sun java there. from your posting it appears un-certain that you actually removed sun jave totally. So, if you have future issues.....consider re-installing sun java over the previous re-move sun java by way of add/remove. this is only if you have issues later on.......
  9. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    In that Application Data is indeed a Sun folder with some empty folders and some pieces left. Any piece is one too many for me, but thinking of a possible bad uninstall i daren't to just delete that folder; there were no instructions about it after the add/remove uninstall.
    In \windows is also a Sun directory which is all empty
    And in Program files that Java directory which looks rather complete.
    But probably the heart taken out in the windows\sun i hope it won't do it again!

    I did uninstall from the add/remove all i could find so it does look like a very bad install indeed.
    At the moment i'm too happy to have my sound back after that DirectX repair.
    It might have been a case of old drivers or just a bad coincidence, whatever.
    Maybe that Sun Java only supports midi but even so if that were true then it should leave all other formats in peace.
  10. snowie

    snowie Guest


    yes, it appears to be a bad add/remove there should have been only ONE Sun Java to remove.......not bits and pieces.

    You should have been able to use whatever "sound items" you were using after installing Sun Java... without any lost.

    Jooske, if you are satisfied with your present "sound" and not experiencing any problems.....then "don't fix it.. if its not broke" (in a manner of speaking) My only concern now would be one of security......we don't want your virtual machine allowing bad Applets to cause you to be hacked...........remember Applets can bypass most security be very careful. At present its an un-known as to which virtual machine you actually have installed.
    My suggestion would be that you ask Wayne if you should re-install Sun Java and then remove it properly.

    Personally I can not but wonder if you have a crippled system ..........ask around about to find the answer.


    Snowie The Snowman


    Might be best if you not delete that Folder you discovered.......
  11. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    One of the two could be the normal original old windows VM seeing the dates in one, i have to look again :)

    The only strange thing i have till now is with the microphone:
    Testing it's settings and hearing sound is very OK, but when speaking in it i hear it in the boxes so it works, but when i try it with the msagent stuff and dictation nothing is heard.
    Testing it among others with the msagent samples (peedy's pizza ordering palace at msagent pages code samples) and some files i wrote myself long time ago but no .........
    As also the dictation program itself sets the microphone it should be OK but using it in the same program, not heard at all.
    I even re-installed all the msagent stuff, speech parts, speech recognition engine, i try to look if the firewall is blocking stuff but didn't see it for this part.
    I'll try with another microphone althoug as this one is heard in the settings it should not be there to look. I'll try it on my other pc to make sure it is not the mic itself. Not even the line-in is down so .... dunno!
  12. snowie

    snowie Guest


    chances are its not the mic.......instead you may have lost a few files when you did that "roll-back" (scanreg/fix)
    Have you ever heard of "mass".....a small program that you can use to make "agents" speak.........its easy to use Jooske......its been in use by agent-ring for some may need to install it and re-program your agents..........

    Will try to locate a download site for you.......
  13. snowie

    snowie Guest

    Microsoft Agent Scripting Software (MASS) is an easy to use tool to create MS Agent scripts with animated, speaking characters. You can easily create agent scripts by dragging the character on screen, selecting a few options and clicking buttons. You don't need any scripting experience, even though advanced users have the option to view and manually edit the generated script as well. The program outputs the complete HTML page, ready to upload to your web site. With easy understandable interface any windows user can create scripts, it is a must have software for every windows users interested in the Microsoft Agent Technology.

    *if you have any problem downloading...let me know an I'll login an IM you the download link. *
  14. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Yeah, thanks Snowie,
    MASS is the free version of MASH with some restrictions.
    But your system must be configured well to make it work.

    It is so strange, still the properties for the phone/speakers adjustment (control panel > speech engines > speech input) works correctly, but the moment i try to communicate with the trainer or with an agent it is not hearing me, even though it is set to listen.
    This is for files installed on my system as well as on webpages.

    I even re-installed another time everything there is, for the msagent components and every TTS and SR engine from that page as well as the whole (about 40 MB) SAPI4SDK and rebooted, but no luck.
    I think there are some nasty settings changed blocking all this since Sun Java and i wished i could find them.

    The mic is loud and clear, i hear it through my speakers, and the testing works, so i'm really out of ideas.
  15. snowie

    snowie Guest


    I was real worried that what you are experiencing would happen after you did the scanreg/restore...........sometimes things get messed-up during the restore.. an files are lost...........this has happen to me could never locate what was causing the issues.

    Did you run your System File Checker ? Only thing about doing that is that files that have been updated may appear as offer you to revert back to an older be careful

    *** by Jooske** ......I think there are some nasty settings changed blocking all this since Sun Java and i wished i could find them.

    I, I think some of your files are now a last resort you can try re-installing Sun Java again........can't do any more damage than what has already after the re-install.....try re-moving it properly......................frankly, I don't think that even this is going to cure the issues..............but its worth the try.

    for the heck of it.........see what "DATE" options you have if you did another scanreg/restore...........that may be the only option you have if files have been lost..............
    hang in there.............the answer may turn out to be something simple that we are over-looking
  16. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi Jooske,

    I just saw that there is a new MASH (I will post a new thread for it).
    I wonder whether it might help you if you do the full-setup install for it....
    (as you know there is a full-setup and a minimum-setup for it).
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