
Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by CraitTech, Aug 20, 2003.

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  1. CraitTech

    CraitTech Guest

    I think it would be good if Spyware Blaster played a sound every time it blocked spyware from getting on the computer! :cool: That way I would that Spyware Blaster was working and doing its job. I am running Spyware Blaster, Ad-Aware, and SpyBot Search and Destroy. And sometimes Ad-Aware and SpyBot find stuff that Spyware blaster doesnt stop. Is this because it only stops ActiveX o_O o_O
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    SpywareBlaster's main protection is the blocking of a specific list of ActiveX controls. It does this by setting flags in the Windows registry that prevent specific ActiveX items from installing or running (these are the "kill-bits" that are mentioned on the SpywareBlaster webpage).

    Unfortunately, since SpywareBlaster does not run in the background, and it uses these registry kill-bits to prevent the ActiveX items, there is no way for it to alert you that it's done anything. :doubt:

    Since it only blocks ActiveX items (and some specific spyware-related cookies in IE6), that is why there are still items found by scanning tools like Ad-Aware or Spybot S&D.
  3. CraitTech

    CraitTech Guest

    Oh darn. :'(
  4. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    I guess you could say that SpywareBlaster is the strong silent type. And it doesn't make a big deal out of all the good things it's done for you. ;)
  5. Aslate

    Aslate Guest

    You could always try disabling the Spyware Blaster for say a week, run Spybot and Ad-Aware and see what comes up. Then turn it on and after a week re-run Spybot and Ad-aware. When you compare the two you can sort of get an idea of if it's working.
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