Hi, new here and have a question I have heard others have this popping up on thier desktop for no reason. ~.dat 283KB The cleaner found nothing, norton found nothing, pest patrol found nothing, opening up the .dat file it looks somewhat like a .jpg or gif would look like, anyone heard of this or a program that could tell me whats it about/for/from Thnaks
Do you happen to run any executeables from your desktop? (I mean that the exe is on the desktop rather than a shortcut link).
... oh and also, I take it that when you looked at the file you were unable to see any ascii strings embedded that may point to the source. If you haven't, you might want to check out the freeware bintext utility at foundstone http://www.foundstone.com/resources/termsofuse.htm?file=bintext.zip
Hi Dale, did you already scan your harddisk with Ad-aware and Spybot? These Spyware applications could possibly help you. Regards, Patrice
Thanks for that link, the bintext program was able to read the file, guess what, it has all msn contacts and peoples email address's,registry keys, a little more searching and I found out its a backdoor program that only trend micro can pick up, thier are 3 version's of this BDoor. Now to try and find out where it is picked up from. Thanks again!