Stateful Inspection

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by octogen, Jul 16, 2002.

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  1. octogen

    octogen Registered Member

    Feb 11, 2002
    I hear about stateful inspection quite a bit. What is it and which firewalls have it? Thanks in advance.
  2. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    Stateful Inspection applies to English Stately Homes. Grade 3, 2, or 1 listed buildings. Those manors and castles desperately in need of repair, but crippled by the high cost of Death Duties, frequently given to the State in lieu of taxes, making the aristocracy poor beyond the means of repairing their noble inheritances. I've actually (seriously, for real) worked with a nobleman who worked as a security guard who was entitled to sit in the House of Lords. Shitty job. The English have an uncanny way of destroying their own heritage (listen to TAXMAN by The Beatles, when under a socialist government, whatever they earned, 95% of their earnings were stolen, aka ripped off, burgled, mugged aka "Here's one for you, nineteen for me").

    Stateful inspection with regard to firewalls? Sorry. As I understand it, this poorly named condition means examing the contents of the data sent and received, not just to whom and from.

    Zone Alarm employs Stateful Inspection for sure.
  3. Prince_Serendip

    Prince_Serendip Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    :D With ZoneAlarm's Stateful Inspection, you need VisualZone in order to collate and report it! ;)
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