Installed PG couple hours ago, getting used to. WinXP SP2. When first installed, did not notice PG in taskbar, only in systray. Now for sure in taskbar and systray when startup computer. How do I get PG to load to systray only? Uninstall, reinstall? Did a search - could have been covered - if so - please direct. Much thanks.
If you're comfortable with this, you can check in your registry to find the start up entry. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\Run Double click on "!1_ProcessGuard_Startup". The string value should be: "C:\Program Files\ProcessGuard\procguard.exe" -minimize If it's not, change it to that. If that doesn't work, you could try: "C:\Program Files\ProcessGuard\procguard.exe" -hide If that doesn't work, I'm all out of ideas.
Brinn, much thanks for the info - where to check for what. Registry entry the '-minimize' already. But, ProcessGuard started starting up normally again yesterday - just loading to systray - no longer in taskbar also - at same time. Given another day's experience with it, I now think maybe there was a program attempting a process not yet in PG database - but then the systray icon would be Red - right? Systray icon was normal blue. So, on the taskbar icon just kept doing the 'Restore | Minimize (minimized to same already-existing systray icon)'. Then, taskbar icon load just stopped upon comuter startup, reboot. Again, do much appreciate feedback! -- Bill
PG Icon in Taskbar Again Yea, think PG per first post this thread PG in taskbar upon startup, reboot 'trying to tell me something', even though PG in systray not Red, was solid Blue. Just while ago per link in thread post made some PG setting changes. Upon reboot, same as in first post this thread. So looked in PG Security tab and found ~ 8 ~ 'Permit once (not able to ask user)' entries. Think may have been because these required rundll32.exe, which I had set to 'Permit Once' per link suggestion? I had not set the ~8 programs to 'Permit Once' and, since want to always load at startup, set back to 'Permit Always' as they had been. Upon reboot, PG back to only being in systray (solid blue). So something probably similar first time around. Don't remember making any changes to cause PG to start appearing and then not appearing in taskbar upon startup, reboot - but a change must have occurred some way - me I guess. For right now, have also set rundll32.exe back to 'Permit Always'. So, if ProcessGuard in taskbar upon startup, most likely check for something going on as stated.
But it shouldn't be in the task bar even if something was going on during boot! . If it is going to go in the taskbar because it couldn't ask then I'm staying with the old version until it is fixed. I really dislike anything that goes in the task bar and the systray.
But no one else has mentioned - just my system? version 3.150 ProcessGuard. I like seeing PG in systray - more confident it is loaded. But sure don't see any need for it to be on taskbar and in systray at same time. Just now - last hour - started using new keyboard and mouse installing MS IntelliType and Point 5.3 that came with them. After that, PG started showing in taskbar again. Also, kept getting message from Spybot S&D that it was allowing a change in Registry re point32.exe based on it's whitelist. Maybe because I didn't first delete the existing Intellipoint prog.? Tried deleting, reinstalling the Intellipoint/type progs. - still got PG on taskbar, Spybot message. Finally deleted the point32 registry entry before deleting the Type and Point programs via WinXP Control Panel. Then reinstalled the 2. For now, PG again not showing on taskbar and not getting the Sypbot weird popup above systray message re point32. Will stick with the PG 3.150 for awhile before trying the 3.2 - monitor here for other's experience.