spywareblaster stops

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by tom johnson, Jul 10, 2003.

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  1. tom johnson

    tom johnson Guest

    When running spyware blaster it stops when checking botcheck-4485/8162. I can walk away for a hour and it never moves. I seems to be working okay. Anyone else have this problem or have suggestions on why this is happening. Up until that point which is about mid-way it runs great. o_O
  2. Amerk_5

    Amerk_5 Registered Member

    May 22, 2003
    Dansville, NY
    I'm pretty sure you're refering to Spybot S&D and not SpywareBlaster.

    There was a recent update to Spybot S&D to fix any hangs. You can update the program internally by going to Online > Check for updates. Check the boxes for all the updates & click Download updates. You should check for updates every week or two.
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