SpywareBlaster problems with MSCOMCTL.ocx

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by PA, Jan 19, 2003.

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  1. PA

    PA Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2003
    I've attempted to follow the instructions from the earlier post about this problem, but without success.

    Those instructions stated:

    "Download the file from here (select Save As): http://activex.microsoft.com/controls/vb6/mscomctl.cab

    Then, copy both files from the file you downloaded to any folder (but make sure you copy both to the same folder). To do this, highlight both files, right-click and select "copy". Then go to any folder and right-click and select "paste".

    Right-click on the MSCOMCTL.INF file that you have now extracted (??)and select "Install"."

    The download went into "mscomctl.cab" on my desktop.

    When I open "mscomctl.cab" and right-click on the 2 files, "copy" is not an option - just "Extract". I worked around this by just separately copying the 2 files into the requisite new folder. (Note: Am I wrong in thinking that by "copying" them I have not yet "extracted" them, as is suggested in the above instructions??)

    When I then attempt to "Install" MSCOMCTL.INF, I get a box entitled "Insert disk" stating "The disk lableled 'default' is now required. The disk is provided by your computer manufacturer. Click OK to continue."

    I don't have a clue what is being asked for here.

    I have an OEM computer running WIN98se, and no disk labeled "default".

    I'm sure that my lack of technical expertise must have caused me to misinterpret something in the instructions. If anyone can help me through this problem, it would be much appreciated. TIA
  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Could you try copying your mscomctl.ocx file (extracted from the cab file) to your Windows/System directory? (There should already be a file there with the same name.) Simply overwrite the existing file, and then reboot your computer - you should then be able to successfully use SpywareBlaster. :)

    Best regards,

  3. PA

    PA Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2003
    Thanks for your quick response.

    There is no mscomctl.ocx file in my Windows/System directory. I gather from MS's Knowledge Base article 295351 that "this control is installed by Microsoft Office 2000 & that Microsoft Office XP removes this control when upgrading from Office 2000, because the control is no longer used by Office programs. "

    I'd be happy to try what you suggest , but would first like to clarify the following, given my lack of technical knowledge:

    1. Am I right in assuming that installing the mscomctl.ocx file in my Windows/System directory will not be problematic even though I have no MS Office program on my system?

    2. I'm obviously confused about the "extracting/copying" process. When I click to extract mscomctl.ocx from the cab file, I am prompted to select the destination of the file. Can I just extract it to my Windows/System directory or do I have to extract it to some other folder (if so, to where?) & THEN copy it to the Windows/System directory.

    Again, many thanks.
  4. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    No problem. :)

    Yes - installing that file should not cause any problems.

    You can simply select for the destination to be the Windows/System directory. After doing so, there will be one more step you need to perform (since you don't already have a version on your system).

    1.)Open the Start Menu and select "Run...".
    2.)Type the following in (without the quotes):
    regsvr32 "C:\Windows\System\mscomctl.ocx"
    Please note, the above step assumes that Windows is installed to the default path - C:\Windows - on the C drive.

    Please let me know if SpywareBlaster then doesn't work, or if you get an error when performing the step mentioned above.

    Best regards,

  5. PA

    PA Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2003
    Many thanks. Everything went smoothly & SpywareBlaster seems fully functional with both of yesterday's Updates installed.

    Great support. :D
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