spywareblaster lock system

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by robdelb, Jan 6, 2006.

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  1. robdelb

    robdelb Registered Member

    Jan 6, 2006
    I have been running spyware blaster 3.4 etc for 3-4 years with out issue.

    when the new version update advice came up i downloaded ,3.51 uninstalled 3.4 and installed 3.5 .
    when executed my System Locks (WIn 2000 Pro SP4 PCCillin firewall ) and has to be rebooted via reset or power off

    I have downloaded the file form several sites. all the files i have tried replicate the same symptom with or with out the firewalls running

    the uninstall exe program will not uninstal stating the dat file is corrupt.

    when i reinstall 3.4 the program runs without issue, except i cannot get updated data files and am redirected to 3.5 update

    Frustrating, as i have no issue in the past
    Any suggestions on a fix
    Rob D
  2. cheater87

    cheater87 Registered Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    umm u had to disable protection in 3.4 then uninstall then install the new one and upate and all that jazz
  3. robdelb

    robdelb Registered Member

    Jan 6, 2006
    hi cheater87,
    thanks for the info. have tried all the various processes as you indicated andor discussed in the forum including uninstall office and windows just to make sure of no corruption or malaware lurking about etc but alas still no result
    thanks again i will keep trying
    Rob D
  4. robdelb

    robdelb Registered Member

    Jan 6, 2006
    spyware blaster locking system

    I have been running spyware blaster 3.4 etc for 3-4 years with out issue.

    when the new version update advice came up i downloaded ,3.51 uninstalled 3.4 and installed 3.5 .1
    when executed my System Locks (WIn 2000 Pro SP4 PCCillin firewall ) and has to be rebooted via reset or power off

    I have downloaded the file form several sites. all the files i have tried replicate the same symptom with or with out the firewalls running

    the uninstall exe program will not uninstall stating the dat file is corrupt.

    when i reinstall 3.4 the program runs without issue, except i cannot get updated data files and am redirected to 3.5.1 update.
    i have recently downloaded 3.5.1 on to another desk top XP running pccillin and firewall without a problem

    i have since overcome the uninstall issue regarding the corrupt dat file on the win 2000 pc by editing out spyware blaster refernces in the register and reinstallin and uninstalling as recommned seem to fix that issue
    as an process of elimination i tried using the file downloaded to the XP system. the 2000 system locked up on executing the program

    Frustrating, as i can not identify the internal, i assume, conflict or corruption problem causing the lock up
    Any suggestions on a fix
    Rob D
  5. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    Hey Rob,

    As you can see I have merged your thread you recently started with your ongoing thread. We ask that you Please stick with one thread and do not start others on the same issue.

    Having said that....Please list the other Security\Privacy programs you are running. Also....have you attempted to disable the programs that are running in the background in order to possibly determine if one of them is causing this quirk ? Some users of this problem have reported Norton Internet Security system as a possible cause....so knowing some of the programs you use will hopefully help us find the conflict.
  6. robdelb

    robdelb Registered Member

    Jan 6, 2006
    hi bubba,
    I apologise for the new thread and thanks for combinning it.
    secuirty programs on my Pc are:
    PCCillin 2003-5 with firewall running (i disable PCCIllin when loading Swb, spybot 1.4 without the lock host file only
    teatimer is off (cant get it to dispaly properly on either pc)
    sd helper is on.

    adaware 1.06r1 is installed however i uninstalled just in case there was an issue

    and thats about it
    i dont have nortons or any symantec programs on any of the pc's i got rid of nortons as it appeared to cause more issues than it was worth if any one wants a copy i think i own three

    interesting i checked the XP Pc and the setting were identical with PCCillin running at max security with the same spybot and adaware

    i stepped through all the applictions running and disable all that i new were possible and also tried to load in safe mode still with no result i guess i am miisng something quite obvious to a person more skilled than I
    i hope you can help

    Rob D
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